Language is used to select the preferred language. Use the or
button to select English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Dutch.
Duration is used to set the display time of the MENU by using the
or button. (5 ~ 120 seconds)
Transparence is used to adjust transparence of menu display. Use the or button to adjust levels.
Use the or button to select PIP/POP Setup and press the
or button to enter the sub menu.
PIP/POP Mode: Using the or button select the most suit- able mode PIP1, PIP2, POP or Off. (Please refer to page 13.)
When Mode is set to Off, Sub Source and PIP Position will not
Main Source is used to select input source (AV1, RGB, AV2, AV3, PC, '9,RU1HWZRUNIRUPDLQSLFWXUHE\XVLQJWKHor button.
Sub Source is used to select input source (AV1, AV2, AV3, PC or DVI) for sub picture by using the or button.
For a combination of main picture and sub picture: only DVI or
1HWZRUNLQSXWFDQDVVHPEOHZLWKRWKHULQSXWVRXUFH)RUH[DPSOH if main source is selected as AV1 input, then the sub source must
PIP Position: Using the or button it can be selected Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Right or Bottom Left.
N Initial Settings
This function returns all setting values except for Installation Mode.
N Text Language
Use the or button to select Text Language and press the
or button to select Western, Eastern, Russian, Arabic or Farsi.
N Tile Mode
This function allows you to split an image to suit your monitor grid format to create a video wall.
Use the or button to select Tile Mode and press the or
button to enter the sub menu as follows.
Tile Mode Active can be set On or Off using the or but- ton.
H_Sets is used to divide the horizonal picture into more than one part, but the most is 5 parts (5 monitors).
V_Sets is used to divide the vertical picture into more than one part, and the most is also 5 parts (5 monitors). Using the or but- ton to set.
H Location is used to select one part of the horizonal picture to dis- play on the current LCD Monitor using the or button.
V Location is used to select one part of the vertical picture to display on the current LCD Monitor using the or button.
%H]HO+$GMXVWPHQW is used to align the image horizontally with respect to the other monitors in the video wall to accommodate the bezel width using the or button. (0 ~ 10)
%H]HO9$GMXVWPHQW is used to align the image vertically with respect to the other monitors in the video wall to accommodate the bezel width using the or button. (0 ~ 10)
N AV2 Setting
Use the or button to select AV2 Setting and press the or button to select YPbPr or RGBHV.
Connect your PC to either
The set will become a monitor for the PC.
N XGA Mode
Use the or button to select XGA Mode and press the or
button to select XGA or WXGA 1366 x 768.
N PC Power Save
The monitor set automatically turns off with no PC input signal and ZDNHVXSZLWKVLJQDOZKLOH3&3RZHU6DYHLVDFWLYH
Use the or button to select PC Power Save and press the
or button to select ON or OFF.
PC Adj. menu
Press the MENU button and select PC Adj. using the or buttons, press the or button to enter. Press the BACK button to return to the previous menu. Press the MENU button to exit menu operation.
Auto Adjust is used to automatically detect incoming signal, and adjust itself to optimize its performance by using the or button. If the image is not displayed properly, a manual adjustment is required (Refer to following adjustments).
or button.
Phase is used to eliminate disorder from the image by using the or button.