Teletext Operation
Teletext is only available via external sources.
Teletext mode can be operated by the following buttons on the Re- mote Control.
Some buttons have dual functions.
Press TXT/TV button to select teletext. Press again will display: AV mode: AV/TEXT mode/MIX mode/AV.
MIX mode: AV (broadcast image) screen and the contents of TEXT (superimposed) are displayed simultaneously.
CANCEL mode: TEXT/MIX MODE is cancelled temporarily and AV image is displayed.
If the signal is removed or disconnected, the monitor will revert to a EOXHEDFNJURXQGZLWK³1RVLJQDO´PHVVDJHRQWKHVFUHHQ
If the TXT/TV button is pressed during the CANCEL mode, the CAN- CEL mode will be cancelled, and full text will resume.
Text Subcode
Press this button, “110/. . . .” will be displayed (e.g. the current page is 110).
And press the NUMERIC buttons(0 ~ 9) to enter the sub page.
For example, to select sub page 4, press NUMERIC buttons 0 - 0 - 0
-4, and “110/0004” will be displayed.
Text Cancel
Press the TEXT CANCEL button in TEXT or MIX mode, the TV pic- ture appears on the screen.
Press this button once again or press TXT/TV button, CANCEL mode will be cancelled.
In CANCEL mode, “CAN” is always displayed on the upper left of the screen.
Text Hold
Press Text Hold button to stop page request and updating.
The Hold symbol will appear instead of the page number. Update of TELETEXT is forbidden. It holds on the current TEXT screen display now.
The hold symbol is replaced with the page number.
TELETEXT page data is updated.
The present page is
Text Reveal
Press Text Reveal button to reveal hidden items on the text page. Some pages such as quiz pages have the answers hidden. The button PD\KDYHWREHKHOGWRNHHSWKHDQVZHURQWKHVFUHHQRUSUHVVDJDLQ to remove the answer.
In Reveal OFF, this indication is not given.
Text Index |
| Page Up and Down |
| ||
| ||
Press this button to select one of the teletext index pages in TEXT, MIX or CANCEL mode.
To select the next or previous page.
Text Red
Use to select the red topic or page number at the bottom of the text page.
Text Green
Use to select the green topic or page number at the bottom of the text page.
Text Yellow
Use to select the yellow topic or page number at the bottom of the text page.
Text Blue
Use to select the blue topic or page number at the bottom of the text page.
Volume Up/Down
To adjust the sound volume level.
Press Text Size button to enlarge the top half of the text page. Press Text Size button again to enlarge the bottom half of the text page.
Press Text Size button again to return to the normal size page. (Normal/top half enlargement/bottom half enlargement/normal)
During the top half or bottom half enlargement mode, if a page re- quest is performed by [0 ~ 9] numeric buttons or the TEXT INDEX button, it will return to normal mode and a page will be requested.
If HOLD ON/OFF is performed during the top half enlargement mode, it will hold the top half enlargement mode. (HOLD symbol will display) If HOLD ON/OFF is performed during the bottom half enlargement mode, it will hold the bottom half enlargement mode. (HOLD symbol will NOT display)