Connecting Your D/AC-1000
When you make connections,be careful to avoid tensionon either wires or fiber optic cableswhich might causedamageto the cormectorsor causethem to pull looselater on. Do not attemptto bend either coaxial or optical digital cablesat a sharpangle, asthis may permanentlydamagethem. It is safestto turn ofT the power of your preampand power amp while making connections,not only
for the connections you are making, but to avoid the chance of disturbing adjacent connections. As an additional safeguard, turn your preamp'svolume control to minimum before making new cormections.
. Optical 1:
. Optical 2:
. Coaxial output connectionsare provided on most high quality CD players. You should use only a good quality cablewhich hasbeendesignedfor digital datatransmission. Cablesdesigned for audio frequenciesare not suitable and will not give you satisfactoryresults.
. TOSlink fiber optic connectionsare alsopopular andare found on most high quality video
laser disc players aswell as CD players and CD transports. Your dealer canassistyou to selectan appropriateoptical cablewith TOSlink connectors. According to theTOSlink standard,you are
restrictedtoTOSlinkcablelengthsfrom0.2m(A<8")to 10m(-30').
. 81 module fiber optics
TO5link connectorsfor datatransmissionThe.5T moduleemploystheAT&T standard;both plasticandglassfiberopticconnectorsareavailablefor 5T modulesconnectors.
You should experimentamong the connectoroptions to detenninewhich soundsthe bestin your system. You may find careful extendedlistening requiredin order to hearthe subtledifferences betweenthe different
It is possibleto connectthreeseparatedigital sourcesto your
Connectthe Analog Output jacks to any
If you havea digital recorder(DAT, MD, DCC,