Parasound D/AC-1000 manual Case of Trouble

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In Case of Trouble

The D/AC-I 000 hasan external fusewhich may blow asa result of an internal fault condition. This protectsthe unit from possibledamageto internal parts. Never replacethis or any internal fusewith a larger value. Substitution of any larger fuse may createseriousstressor damageto internal parts andwi1l void your warranty.

If you suspecta problem with this unit, first recheckall your connections. If onechannelis inoperative, the trouble may be causedby anothercomponentor evena defectivehookup cable. If only one channelis out for al1sources,try reversingthe Left and Right cablesto your preamplifier (turn it off before moving wires). If the samechannelstaysout, it indicatestrouble other thanwith the D/AC-IOOO. We suggestyou contactyour authorizedParasounddealeror cal1Parasound

Technical Service if you suspecta problem. We will suggestother diagnostic testsyou can easily

perform yourself and which will saveyou a lot of trouble.


Ifit is determinedthat your D/AC-lOOOshould be returnedfor inspectionand possibleservicing, you must first obtain a Return Authorization number. You areexpectedto re-packthe unit in its oliginal styrofoam packing and both its original cardboardcarton plus a slightly larger outer carton for proper protection in transit. You should sendthe unit by UPS with adequateinsurance soecifled.

Units that arrive without the correct Return Authorization number,without a suitableouter shippingcartonor evidenceof improperinternalpackingor collectwill be refused.We cannot acceptcollectshipments.After repairunderwarranty,theunit will be returnedto youvia prepaid UPSor RPS. Ifwe canfind no problemwith theunit, wewill shipit collectfor returnshipping'


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Contents Para Sound RestrictedtoTOSlinkcablelengthsfrom0.2mA8to 10m-30 Connecting Your D/AC-1000Outputs OpticalDe-EmphasisLED AC PowerOperating your D/AC-1000 Othercomponentswhileyoureatit Burning-in- your 01AC-1000Case of Trouble 20bit, push-pull,independentfor eachchannel 8x 352.8kHz AC-1000 SpecificationsCoaxial 750,RCA STmodulefiberoptic AT&T Standard,820nmtypicalRewiring for 220-240V 50Hz Operation Please Stay in Touch Parasound Limited Warranty USA only