Parasound Limited Warranty (USA only)
your purchasereceipt is presentedto validate your ownership, dateof purchaseand authorized statusof the selling dealer. Defective partswill be repairedor replacedwithout chargeby your authorized dealer'sstoreor the location designatedby your dealerthat is authorizedto service
Parasoundequipment.Additionalinfonnationis availableby callingor writing to theService Manager,ParasoundProducts,Inc. at theaddressbelow. Chargesfor unauthorizedserviceand transportationcostsarenot reimbursableunderthiswarmnty.
This warranty becomesvoid if the product hasbeendamagedby alteration, misuse,accidentor neglect. Alteration includes removal, obscurationor defacementof its serial number. This warranty becomesvoid if unit hasbeenburned out by abusiveextendedtesting or operationwith load impedancescontrary to printed instructions. This warranty applies only to units usedin
Somestatesdo not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts,so the above limitations may not apply to you. Somestatesdo not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages,so the abovelimitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary state by state.
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affordable audio for the critical listener
ParasoundProduct&,Inc. 950 Battery Street,San FranciJco,CA 94111