Parasound D / A C -1500 Connecting Your D/AC-1500, Digital Inputs, Optical 2 FiberOptic-TOSlink

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Connecting Your D/AC-1500

Whenyou makeconnections,be careful to avoid tensionon eitherwires or fiber optic cableswhich might causedamageto the connectorsor causethemto pull looselater on. Do not attemptto bend eithercoaxialor optical digital cablesat a sharpangle,asthis may permanentlydamagethem. It is safestto turn off thepower of your preampand poweramp while making connections,not only for theconnectionsyou are making, but to avoid the chanceof disturbing adjacentconnections. As an additionalsafeguard,turn your preamp'svolume control to minimum beforemaking new connections.

Digital Inputs

The D/AC-1500 hasfour digital inputs:

. Coaxial I: RCA jack - 75a standard

. Coaxial 2: RCA jack - 75a standard

. Optical 1: Fiber Optic -ST module

.Optical 2: FiberOptic-TOSlink

. Coaxial output connections are provided on most high quality CD players. You should use

only good quality cables which have been designed for digital data transmission. Cables designed for audio frequencies are not suitable and will not give you satisfactory results.

. TOSlink fiber optic connectionsarealsopopularandare found on mosthigh quality video

laserdisc playersaswell asolder CD playersandCD transports. Your dealercanassistyou to selectanappropriateoptical cablewith TOSlink connectors.According to theTOSlink standard, you'rerestrictedto rOSHnk cablelengthsfrom 0.2 m (-8") to 10 m (-30').

. ST module glass fiber op£ics aceconsideredstate-of-the-art.They aresuperiorto either

coaxialor TOSlink connectorsfor datatransmission.The ST moduleemploysthe AT&T standard; both plasticand glassfiber optic connectorsareavailablefor ST modulesconnectors.

You shouldexperimentamongthe connectoroptionsto detenninewhich soundsthe bestin your system. You may find careful extendedlistening requiredin order to hearthe subtledifferences betweenthe different interfacetechnologiesaccomodatedby your D/AC-1500.

It is possibleto connectfour separatedigHalsourcesto your DIAC-1500 andselectamongthem from the front panel,howeverRF radiationsfrom theunuseddigital inputs may "contaminate"the soundof the selectedinput source. If you havemore thanonedigital sourceconnected,makesure you turn ofTthe power of the unusedsource(s)until you are readyto listen to it.


Analog Output jacks connectto any line-level input on your preamplifier or evendirectly to your power amplifier, provided it is equippedwith level controls. Useonly high quality interconnectsto preservedetail and clarity. Make sureyour preampis either turnedofTor its volume is setto minimum whenevermakingor breakingtheseconnections.

There are two analogoutputs:Unbalanced: RCAjacksfor unbalancedlineoutput

Balanced: XLR connectorsfor balancedline output

Pin 1 Ground, Pin 2 + signal, Pin 3 -signal


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Contents C -1500 Dig ita 1/ a n a log Con v e r t e r UnpackingOptical 2 FiberOptic-TOSlink Connecting Your D/AC-1500Digital Inputs OutputsInput Select Buttons and LEDs Athirdseparateshieldwirewhichis thefloatinggroundAC Power Polarity Invert Button and LEDDe-Emphasis LED Burning-in- your D/AC-1500Maintaining your D/AC-1500 Outputs Power Supplies Absolute PolarityBoard Rewiring for 220-240 V 50 Hz OperationPowertransformer Parasound Limited Warranty USA only Please Stay in TouchPara Sound