Your choiceof 00or 1800polarity will be strictly a matterof taste. It may be easierto detect differencesbetween00and 1800polarity with somerecordingsthanwith others. Don'tbe discouragedif you cannothearthe difference. not everyonecanidentify absolutepolarity.
De-Emphasis LED
Some digital recordings are encoded with
ally recognizesandprocessesthem. An LED illuminatesasa beacon
1for visual confirmation.
-Burning-in- your D/AC-1500
Like mostother greataudio components,your
Maintaining your D/AC-1500
Neveruseany commercialcleanersor abrasiveson the front panelor top cover - they will likely scratchor disfigure them. Useonly a soft cloth, if necessaryslightly dampto removefingerprints.
In Case of Trouble
If you suspecta problem with your unit, first recheckall your connections. If onechannelis inoperative,the trouble may be causedby anothercomponentor evena defectivehookup cable. If only onechannelremainsinoperative,try reversingthe Left andRight cablesto your preamplifier (turn it ofTbefore moving wires). If the samechannelstaysout, it indicatestrouble could be other thanyour D/A converteritself. We suggestyou contactyour authorizedParasounddealeror can ParasoundTechnicalServiceif you suspecta problem. We will suggestother diagnostictestsyou caneasilyperfonn andwhich will saveyou a lot of trouble.
I f we detenninethat your
asked to
Units that arrive without your specific ReturnAuthorization number,without a suitableshipping cartonor evidenceof improperinternal packingor collect will be refused. We do not acceptcollect shipments. After repairunderwarmnty, the unit will be returnedto you via prepaidUPS or RPS. Ifwe found no problem with theunit, we will ship the unit by UPS or RPScollect for return shippingcharges. In the caseof an out of warranty repair, we will adviseyou repaircharges beforeyou ship the unit. The samepacking requirementsandRA requirementapply.