System Administrator’s Guide to Installing DataMgr
Priority | Description | |
Level | ||
| ||
7DEBUG: messages.
8ADIC technical support trace message.
Modify Logging Characteristics
Several characteristics of a system log message can be modified with environment variables in the
/usr/dm/emasslogs/emasslog_parms file that is created at install time.
When the emasslog_parms file is modified, run the
reload_dmlog script, or stop and start the DMFS to activate the new options.
The /etc/dm/scripts/reload_dmlog script allows system administrator to specify which processes to reload with the new logging levels in the emasslog_parms file.
An example of the emasslog_parms file follows:
Comment lines begin with a number sign ( # ).
#This file contains all the environment variables
#EL_SYSLOG_OPTIONS indicates the format of each message to syslog
Each environment variable name EL_SYSLOG_OPTIONS=p; starts in column one.
Equal symbol ( = ) is followed by a value and ends with a semicolon (;).
#EL_PERF_MASK enables the performance logging EL_PERF_ASK=ud;
Setup Tasks |