Key Features Overview
Your TV is equipped with features that will add to your TV viewing experience. The following information summarizes a few of these features. Chapter 3 provides more information about the rest of the TV’s features and how to use them.
On-screen Program Guide
The GUIDE Plus+ system is a
Complete the
Chapter 1.
V-Chip: Parental Controls
You can block programs and movies by content,
DTVLink® (Digital Television Link)
Better known to some as IEEE 1394 or FireWire*, these jacks enable connection of
Web Browser
A web browsing software package is built into your television that allows access to the Internet including the W.W.W. The browser interprets HTML (HyperText Markup Language), the programming language of the Internet, into the words and graphics (jpeg and gif files) that you see when viewing a web page. This browser has some limitations and might not be equipped to interpret all files, such as streaming video and audio. You’ll need a
DTVLINK® Certification Logo is a U.S. registered mark of CEA.
*FireWire is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.