Connections and Setup
Min Stdby Power When enabled, keeps power consumption levels compliant with Energy Star standards. The TV is shipped with this enabled. When enabled, the DSCI and Hospital Pendant (pillow speaker jack) are disabled when power is turned off.
Legacy Mode When turned on, allows the TV to work with earlier DSCI versions. Off is the default setting.
Info Menu Allows the master user to determine whether the Channel Banner is displayed when the INFO button is pressed on the remote. Page 24 shows this display.
Hospital Mode When turned on, allows the TV to function with the hospital pendant remote. For more information about this remote, go to page 24.
Note: When Remote Config. and Front Panel are set to Disabled, the MENU button on the master remote turns on the TV.
What To Expect
Look for the A at the bottom of the screen to make sure you're on the Analog Input.
Watching TV
•Remember: If you have an analog signal connected to your ANTENNA/CABLE ANALOG INPUT, then look for an A at the bottom of the screen to make sure you're tuned to the Analog input. Press the ANTENNA button if the A isn't appearing.
Analog video is sent in a 4/3 format, which your TV displays these channels in a 16/9 format. Press the LEFT/RIGHT ARROW button to view the different formats available. Go to page 24 for more explanation of screen formats.
•Remember: If you have a digital signal connected to your ANTENNA/CABLE DIGITAL INPUT, then look for a D at the bottom of the screen to make sure you're tuned to the Digital input. Press the ANTENNA button if the D isn't appearing.
Most digital video is sent in a 16/9 format which does fill your screen, but sometimes is sent in 4/3 which does not fill your screen. It depends on how the station or source device is formatting the video. If there are bars
Look for the D at the bottom of the screen to make sure you're on the Digital Input.
Changing Channels
•Digital channels can have both primary channels (like the analog channel number) and
•Depending upon the type of signals you have connected to your HDTV, you might notice that the channels change slower than you’re used to. This is perfectly normal. Digital cable channels sometimes take longer to tune.
Chapter 1 | 11 |