Panasonic TC-L3232C First Time Setup, Turn the TV On with the Power button, Select your language

Page 12

First Time Setup

First time setup screen is displayed inserted into a wall outlet and when

only when the TV is turned on for the first time after the power cord is "Auto power on" (p. 34) is set to "No".

Turn the TV On with the POWER button




Configure your viewing mode

d_ Select your language



(2)Select your viewing mode (Be sure to select "Home use")



÷Please confirm your selection (Home Use) before pressing OK button.

If you select "Store Demonstration" by mistake in _2), confirmation screen will be displayed.



®Select "No" and return to previous screen (2].

®If you select "Yes", Screen enters the store demonstration mode.

To display the "Set viewing mode" screen again as shown above and select "Home Use", do one of the following:

Press and hold down the side POWER button for at least five seconds.

Unplug power cord for 30 seconds and plug it again.

®If you use any other step other than _ then turn the TV off, or if you used the EXIT button to quit before completing the settings, the next time you turn the TV on, "First time setup" will not be automatically displayed.

The settings up to that point are saved.

You can start "First time setup" at any time. (p. 34)

®Language, ANT/Cable setup, Input labels, Clock can also be changed from the Settings Menu. (p. 34)





13:40:0! I

Image 12
Contents TC-L3232C EspaSolEnglish Multi ia excitement This product incorporates the following softwarePlease read before using the unit FirstTimeViera #L -ll,vA,i .i11rilI-Ji IITClpbTilETII,- ll JtGROUNOc,AMyJ \ Creating the Potential Risk of Suffocation Tune Into Safety American Academy of Pediatrics discouragesAccessories/OptionalAccessory FOptional AccessoryCheck you have all the items shown Back of the TVAccessories ==AssemblingPedestal ==Set-upConnections Antenna terminal Pin terminals Hdmi terminalFront of the TV Digital Audio OUTBest To use Hdmi terminals AVEquipmentTo use Component terminals Good CTo use Composite terminalsIdentifying Controls It14First Time Setup Turn the TV On with the Power buttonConfigure your viewing mode 2Select your viewing mode Be sure to select Home useAuto channel setup ANT/Cable setup Complete the Auto program setupSelect Start Press to go back to Previous screenComplete the First time setup When done, select Next and press OK to go to the next stepGive names to the TVs inputs Label inputs Congratulations! You are doneTurn power on Digital modeWatching TV Select a channel numberPress Format to cycle through the aspect modes p Set the Favorite channelDelete a favorite channel To changeInput your 4-digit password ABC abcOther Useful Operations Using Viera Tools Isplay Viera Tools Select the itemSet each item Press to exit from Menu screenWatchingcontentfromexternaldevices Select the input modePC adjustments p With the connected equipment turned OnInsert SD card Display Viera Image ViewerSelect the data to be viewed View@ or @ Display Photo settings @ Select the item SettingsTo sort by Folder, month or date In@ Select the sort type 2Select the directoryViera Link Tmhdavi Control TM Hdmi cableConnecting Home theater system/AV amp Hdmi 1 is recommended Connecting DVD Recorder DigaConnecting HD Camcorder/Digital camera Terminal overviewSelect and make other settings Default is OnMI=1zTII TIff lil FWII1 1 JI Press to go back to the previous screen@.3Panel Display the Viera Link menu Select the item SelectSet Press to exit from a menu screenAvailable TV remote control buttons Select Back to TVMenu Display Select Setup Select ANT/Cable setup Select Auto program Select a scanning mode p1Select ANT After the scanning is completed, select ApplySelect Apply To cancel the Edit Select EditSelect the item to edit AddHow to Use Menu Functions Adjust or select a menu itemMenu structure Input FrequencyReset to defaults Bass AdvancedBalance Advanced audio Settings in Analog or Digital depend on the broadcaster IccJ1 03lt IDJ Lit. I..,I111111Lilt,all Power save Standard Saving No signal for 10 minutes ECO/energyRatings List for parental control Technical Information I1.-T16--1 IJT3161i11F1611,-J ,Z 3111BITtFJlllh1i/Ili.1J,tklKVi11t,l IKil,EIl-IJT\vAI S11I1 24 mmEi f1! r,!JJe.ei IF.TI?III? IsAIl..,l,.iGND HD/SYNCCare and Cleaning First, unplug the Power cord plug from the wall outlet111 ¢F Specifications FrequentlyAsked Questions FAQ Why is there no picture Or justBlack or snowy Screen Being Displayed?Why is there no sound coming Why is the sound unusualDistorted, low volume or From the TV?Index HdmiLimited Warranty Coverage Service@ o One Panasonic Way Secaucus, New JerseyCustomerServicesDirectoryforU.S.AandPuertoRico Warranty for Canada WarrantyPanasonic Canada Inc Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3Sienta Increible de excitaci6n Multi Este producto incorpora el siguiente softwareAsegrese de leer Identificaci6n de los controlesPrecauciones para su seguridad SilaTVdeLCDsehacaidoelgabineteseencuentrada5ado Peligro DE ExplosionIJ=qIf1!I IJ=IIf1 Iq \vA., IJ= -lJ 11J71JIJ1I!-I*,-I-I,1-IFCC Panasonic recomienda encargar la instalaci6n en la paredAccesorios/Accesorio opcional Accesorio OpcionalAccesorios BJ BFJIffFIIMontaje del pedestal FJI,FJConexibnes Terminal de antena Terminal de contactos Terminal HdmiParte delantera del TV Parte posterior del TVSuperior Para utilizar terminales Hdmi 1Para utilizar terminales de Video ComponenteBuena Para utilizar terminales de Video CompuestoIdentificacibn de los controles ? FkITtSI+ L FJI t,FJFConfigure su modo de visualizacibn Seleccione su modo de visualizacion@ Seleccione su idioma Configuracion automatica de canales Ajuste ANT/Cable Seleccione lniciarAsigne titulos a las entradas de TV Etiqueta de Ajuste el reloj Ajustar relojComplete Ajuste Inicial CTR/MEDIA EXT!OTROSPara ver la televisibn Encienda El televisorSeleccione un numero de canal Pulse Format para cambiar entre los modos de aspecto pag Ajustar el canal favoritoEliminar un canal favorito Para cambiar la paginaOtras operaciones utiles Utilizacibn de Viera Tools Visualice Viera Tools Seleccione el elementoAjuste cada elemento Seleccione el modo de entrada Inserte La tarjeta Visualice Viera Image ViewerSeleccione los datos que va a ver Pulse para salir de la pantalla deEn@o@ IVisualice Menu de imagenes fijas Seleccione el directorioSeleccione el elemento Ajustar la imagen/AudioCable Hdmi HdaviGeneralidades de las terminales Conexion de la Grabadora de DVD DigaConexion de una videograbadora HD/Camara digital LumixSeleccione Viera Link Seleccione Si La opciSn predeterminada es SiTcL3232csia0608.indb Seleccione Pulse para salir De la pantalla de menuSeleccione Volver a TV Edicibny configuracibnde canales Seleccione AjusteSeleccione Ajuste ANT/Cable Para cancelar la edicion 2Seleccione el elemento que quiera editar@ Mueva el cursor al numero del canal FavoritosCbmoutilizarlasfuncionesdelosmends Visualice el menuSeleccione el ment Seleccione un elemento del menuRegreso Prefijados ModoEst&ndar SincroniaIi iii i MatrizApagado 15130160190 MinutosAjuste/ingresodecontraseSap&g17 Mode de DiapositivasMiniaturasl Ajustar DespuesListadeclasificacionesparael bloqueo I8+Precauci6n Informacibn tdcnica IIlffi B@ Comp KvA11t,-1I3 El-IJT-\vAI e DCFJpeg LiI111?1F. JLin1f1pAuJJoouad PrecaucidnNC no Conectado Forma de Ias patillas Para ei Cuidados y limpieza Especificaciones Hdmi Ranura De tarjetaPedestal SolamentePreguntas frecuentes Por que no emite sonido el Inicial,seleccionandola entrada de Cableo antenaen el paso3Indice LastMute Nota Anotaci6n del cliente PanasonicElectronics Division of PanasonicPanasonic TC-L3232CLe multim ia a son meilleur Lire attentivement Viera Image Viewer TMMesures de sdcurit TSTTtPXIFI..riIIPX!IitSlIIKV.Tfll -.iYr Pour rduire les risques de choc lectrique, ne pas retirerIappareil en tout temps Precautions FOG Optez Pour LA SccuritiAccessoires/Accessoireen option Accessoire en optionPanneau arriere du televiseur Support de montage mural @ TY-WK3L2RWAccessoires Installation==Montage du piedestal Ne dmontez nine modifiez le pidestalConnexions ConnexionsBorne Hdmi Superieur Bornes PrisesMoyen @Prises CompositeEmplacement des commandes RibPanneau avant du tlviseur Reglage des sous-titres pAppuyezsur la touche POWERpourmettrele tel6viseuren marche Configurez votre mode de visionnementSelectionnez votre mode de visionnement Assurez-vous de S61ectionner le mode Usage & domicileRdglage automatique des canaux Rdglage ANT/Cable @ Selectionnez DebutAppuyez pour revenir a Iecran Precedent Felicitations ! Tout est termineMettez le tdldviseur en marche Syntonisez un canal=== Pour entrer directement un numeroRemarques Reglage des canaux favorisSuppression dun canal favori Appuyez sur SUB Menu pour afficher Iecran du sous-menuAutres fonctions pratiques UtilisationdesfonctionsVIERATOOLS Affichez les fonctions VlERA ToolsPour quitter le menu a Iecran Appuyez sur Appuyez pour revenir a Iecran PrecedentSdlectionnez le mode dentrde Ou O pour la modifierAppareils raccordes en marche Prise IdentificationIntroduisez la carte SD AffichezSdlectionnez les donndes a visualiser 2Selectionnez le repertoire De Iimage/du sonReglage De la piste Sonore MusiqueBle Hdmi Panneaux de raccordement Raccordement dun enregistreur DVD DigaCble Hdmi Raccordement dun camescope HD/appareil photo numeriqueAffichez le menu Slectionnez Rglage Viera Link sous Rglage Slectionnez Viera Link Slectionnez EFSlectionnez et effectuez les autres rglages IljTcL3232cflaO608.indb 2010/12/24 13423 Affichez le menu Viera Link Slectionnez une rubriqueEffectuez la sdlection Effectuez le rdglageCinema maison Reglage sur Iequipement Volume haut / bas ÷ Selectionnez Retour b tele1Selectionnez Sortie H-P Selectionnez Cinema maison ou Tele Programmationet dition descanaux Affichez le menu Sdlectionnez RdglageSdlectionnez Rdglage ANT/Cble Selectionnez la rubrique & modifier Effectuez les modifications¢ Sigle Changementm AjouterUtilisationdes fonctions des menus Affichez le menuSlectionnez un menu Faites le reglage ou selectionnez une rubrique du menuPoint horloge Position-HRegle la position horizontalePosition-V HF/EF DS/HDRducteur Niveau Noir Fonc6/ClairIccj Tiil ta/i1l!tiI!l ModePerson Rtablir D6fautAucun signal pendant Minutes En marche/Hors marche ¢CEPTEU R/CENTRE M/PASSER.M/AUTREIco-nergie P6riode dinactivit de 3 heures En marche/HorsTableau de classement €MIS.TCL¢ €.-U Tableau de classement CanadaTableau de classement CANADA-QUCBEC Informations techniques Iiil÷ Plein Cadrage 16--1 RemarquesCaracteres Arbitraires + numero de fichier Chiffres Octet P1000003JPG Caracteres Utlhsables?I II JNI Jiq1! fuJi eeUJlliITlTt3ftB r,1BIT RemarquesEntretien et nettoyage AlJ 11r!lFttFTilFSpdcifications Foire aux questionsFAQ Pourquoi Iimage ne semble-tElle pas en haute definition? Chaotique ou fragmentee etouLorsdelaraiseenou horsmarcheduteleviseur La tleee, rnrnnd nViera Tools TeJeviseursViera42poet plusJ Service Domicile JUn 1an Pices TelviseursVieramoinsde42p0/ ServiceCompris Icranet Main-doeuvrePanasonic Corporation of North America. Tous droits reserv6s
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