Panasonic TC-L3232C manual Please read before using the unit, FirstTime, Viera

Page 3

VIfI'/ l..°i VlERALinkTMisatrademark°fK

Panasonic Corporation.

HDMI, the HDMI logo and High- Definition Multimedia Interface are

H.-"am!trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.

SDHC Logo is a trademark of SD- 3C, LLC.

This product qualifies for ENERGY STAR in the "Home Use" setting and this is the setting in which energy savings will be achieved. Any modifications to the "Home Use" setting or other factory default settings could result in greater energy consumption beyond

levels that meet ENERGY STAR qualifications.

Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.

HDAVl Control TM is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation.



Please read before using the unit


Safety Precautions





Accessories/Optional Accessory




Identifying Controls





Basic Features



Watching TV





÷Watching content from external devices ...... 19

÷Viewing photos with VlERA IMAGE VIEWER ..... 20








"HDAVI Control TM''




and Setting Channels



How to Use Menu




o Picture




o Audio




o Timer










o Closed




o Setup










List for parental control







Care and










Questions (FAQ)














(for U.S.A. and Puerto Rico only)




Services Directory



(for U. S. A. and Puerto Rico)





(for Canada)






13:40:0: I

Image 3
Contents TC-L3232C EspaSolEnglish This product incorporates the following software Multi ia excitementPlease read before using the unit FirstTimeViera #L -ll,vA,i .i11rilI-Ji IITClpbTilETII,- ll JtGROUNOc,AMyJ \ Creating the Potential Risk of Suffocation American Academy of Pediatrics discourages Tune Into SafetyBack of the TV Accessories/OptionalAccessoryFOptional Accessory Check you have all the items shown==Set-up Accessories==Assembling PedestalDigital Audio OUT ConnectionsAntenna terminal Pin terminals Hdmi terminal Front of the TVCTo use Composite terminals Best To use Hdmi terminalsAVEquipment To use Component terminals GoodIt14 Identifying Controls2Select your viewing mode Be sure to select Home use First Time SetupTurn the TV On with the Power button Configure your viewing modePress to go back to Previous screen Auto channel setup ANT/Cable setupComplete the Auto program setup Select StartCongratulations! You are done Complete the First time setupWhen done, select Next and press OK to go to the next step Give names to the TVs inputs Label inputsSelect a channel number Turn power onDigital mode Watching TVTo change Press Format to cycle through the aspect modes pSet the Favorite channel Delete a favorite channelInput your 4-digit password ABC abcOther Useful Operations Press to exit from Menu screen Using Viera ToolsIsplay Viera Tools Select the item Set each itemWith the connected equipment turned On WatchingcontentfromexternaldevicesSelect the input mode PC adjustments pView Insert SD cardDisplay Viera Image Viewer Select the data to be viewed2Select the directory @ or @ Display Photo settings @ Select the itemSettings To sort by Folder, month or date In@ Select the sort typeHdmi cable Viera Link Tmhdavi Control TMTerminal overview Connecting Home theater system/AV amp Hdmi 1 is recommendedConnecting DVD Recorder Diga Connecting HD Camcorder/Digital cameraPress to go back to the previous screen Select and make other settingsDefault is On MI=1zTII TIff lil FWII1 1 JI@.3Panel Press to exit from a menu screen Display the Viera Link menu Select the itemSelect SetSelect Back to TV Available TV remote control buttonsAfter the scanning is completed, select Apply Menu Display Select Setup Select ANT/Cable setupSelect Auto program Select a scanning mode p 1Select ANTAdd Select Apply To cancel the EditSelect Edit Select the item to editHow to Use Menu Functions Adjust or select a menu itemMenu structure Frequency InputReset to defaults Bass AdvancedBalance Advanced audio Settings in Analog or Digital depend on the broadcaster IccJ1 03lt IDJ Lit. I..,I111111Lilt,all ECO/energy Power save Standard Saving No signal for 10 minutesRatings List for parental control Technical Information I1.-T16--1 24 mm IJT3161i11F1611,-J ,Z3111BITtFJlllh1i/Ili.1J,tkl KVi11t,l IKil,EIl-IJT\vAI S11I1IsAIl..,l,.i Ei f1! r,!JJe.ei IF.TI?III?HD/SYNC GNDCare and Cleaning First, unplug the Power cord plug from the wall outlet111 ¢F Specifications Being Displayed? FrequentlyAsked Questions FAQWhy is there no picture Or just Black or snowy ScreenFrom the TV? Why is there no sound comingWhy is the sound unusual Distorted, low volume orHdmi IndexOne Panasonic Way Secaucus, New Jersey Limited Warranty CoverageService @ CustomerServicesDirectoryforU.S.AandPuertoRicoAmbler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3 Limited Warranty for CanadaWarranty Panasonic Canada IncEste producto incorpora el siguiente software Sienta Increible de excitaci6n MultiIdentificaci6n de los controles Asegrese de leerPrecauciones para su seguridad Peligro DE Explosion SilaTVdeLCDsehacaidoelgabineteseencuentrada5adoPanasonic recomienda encargar la instalaci6n en la pared IJ=qIf1!I IJ=IIf1 Iq\vA., IJ= -lJ 11J71JIJ1I!-I*,-I-I,1-I FCCAccesorio Opcional Accesorios/Accesorio opcionalFJI,FJ AccesoriosBJ BFJIffF IIMontaje del pedestalParte posterior del TV ConexibnesTerminal de antena Terminal de contactos Terminal Hdmi Parte delantera del TVPara utilizar terminales de Video Compuesto Superior Para utilizar terminales Hdmi1Para utilizar terminales de Video Componente Buena? FkITtSI+ L FJI t,FJF Identificacibn de los controlesConfigure su modo de visualizacibn Seleccione su modo de visualizacion@ Seleccione su idioma Seleccione lniciar Configuracion automatica de canales Ajuste ANT/CableCTR/MEDIA EXT!OTROS Asigne titulos a las entradas de TV Etiqueta deAjuste el reloj Ajustar reloj Complete Ajuste InicialPara ver la televisibn Encienda El televisorSeleccione un numero de canal Para cambiar la pagina Pulse Format para cambiar entre los modos de aspecto pagAjustar el canal favorito Eliminar un canal favoritoOtras operaciones utiles Utilizacibn de Viera Tools Visualice Viera Tools Seleccione el elementoAjuste cada elemento Seleccione el modo de entrada Pulse para salir de la pantalla de Inserte La tarjetaVisualice Viera Image Viewer Seleccione los datos que va a verAjustar la imagen/Audio En@o@ IVisualice Menu de imagenes fijasSeleccione el directorio Seleccione el elementoHdavi Cable HdmiLumix Generalidades de las terminalesConexion de la Grabadora de DVD Diga Conexion de una videograbadora HD/Camara digitalLa opciSn predeterminada es Si Seleccione Viera Link Seleccione SiTcL3232csia0608.indb Pulse para salir De la pantalla de menu SeleccioneSeleccione Volver a TV Edicibny configuracibnde canales Seleccione AjusteSeleccione Ajuste ANT/Cable Favoritos Para cancelar la edicion2Seleccione el elemento que quiera editar @ Mueva el cursor al numero del canalSeleccione un elemento del menu CbmoutilizarlasfuncionesdelosmendsVisualice el menu Seleccione el mentSincronia Regreso PrefijadosModo Est&ndarMinutos Ii iii iMatriz Apagado 15130160190Ajuste/ingresodecontraseSap&g17 Ajustar Despues Mode deDiapositivas MiniaturaslListadeclasificacionesparael bloqueo I8+Precauci6n Informacibn tdcnica IIlffi B@ Comp KvA11t,-1I3 El-IJT-\vAI e DCFJpeg Precaucidn LiI111?1F. JLin1f1pAuJJoouadNC no Conectado Forma de Ias patillas Para ei Cuidados y limpieza Solamente EspecificacionesHdmi Ranura De tarjeta PedestalPreguntas frecuentes Inicial,seleccionandola entrada de Cableo antenaen el paso3 Por que no emite sonido elIndice LastMute Nota Division of Panasonic Anotaci6n del clientePanasonic ElectronicsTC-L3232C PanasonicLe multim ia a son meilleur Viera Image Viewer TM Lire attentivementPour rduire les risques de choc lectrique, ne pas retirer Mesures de sdcuritTSTTtPXIFI..riIIPX!IitSlII KV.Tfll -.iYrIappareil en tout temps Optez Pour LA Sccuriti Precautions FOGSupport de montage mural @ TY-WK3L2RW Accessoires/Accessoireen optionAccessoire en option Panneau arriere du televiseurNe dmontez nine modifiez le pidestal AccessoiresInstallation ==Montage du piedestalConnexions ConnexionsBorne Hdmi @Prises Composite Superieur BornesPrises MoyenReglage des sous-titres p Emplacement des commandesRib Panneau avant du tlviseurS61ectionner le mode Usage & domicile Appuyezsur la touche POWERpourmettrele tel6viseuren marcheConfigurez votre mode de visionnement Selectionnez votre mode de visionnement Assurez-vous de@ Selectionnez Debut Rdglage automatique des canaux Rdglage ANT/CableFelicitations ! Tout est termine Appuyez pour revenir a Iecran PrecedentPour entrer directement un numero Mettez le tdldviseur en marcheSyntonisez un canal ===Appuyez sur SUB Menu pour afficher Iecran du sous-menu RemarquesReglage des canaux favoris Suppression dun canal favoriAutres fonctions pratiques Appuyez pour revenir a Iecran Precedent UtilisationdesfonctionsVIERATOOLSAffichez les fonctions VlERA Tools Pour quitter le menu a Iecran Appuyez surPrise Identification Sdlectionnez le mode dentrdeOu O pour la modifier Appareils raccordes en marcheIntroduisez la carte SD AffichezSdlectionnez les donndes a visualiser Musique 2Selectionnez le repertoireDe Iimage/du son Reglage De la piste SonoreBle Hdmi Raccordement dun camescope HD/appareil photo numerique Panneaux de raccordementRaccordement dun enregistreur DVD Diga Cble HdmiIlj Affichez le menu Slectionnez Rglage Viera Link sous RglageSlectionnez Viera Link Slectionnez EF Slectionnez et effectuez les autres rglagesTcL3232cflaO608.indb 2010/12/24 13423 Effectuez le rdglage Affichez le menu Viera LinkSlectionnez une rubrique Effectuez la sdlectionCinema maison Reglage sur Iequipement Volume haut / bas ÷ Selectionnez Retour b tele1Selectionnez Sortie H-P Selectionnez Cinema maison ou Tele Programmationet dition descanaux Affichez le menu Sdlectionnez RdglageSdlectionnez Rdglage ANT/Cble Ajouter Selectionnez la rubrique & modifierEffectuez les modifications ¢ Sigle ChangementmFaites le reglage ou selectionnez une rubrique du menu Utilisationdes fonctions des menusAffichez le menu Slectionnez un menuPoint horloge Position-HRegle la position horizontalePosition-V Niveau Noir Fonc6/Clair HF/EFDS/HD RducteurRtablir D6faut Iccj Tiil ta/i1l!tiI!lMode PersonP6riode dinactivit de 3 heures En marche/Hors Aucun signal pendant Minutes En marche/Hors marche¢CEPTEU R/CENTRE M/PASSER.M/AUTRE Ico-nergieTableau de classement €MIS.TCL¢ €.-U Tableau de classement CanadaTableau de classement CANADA-QUCBEC 16--1 Remarques Informations techniquesIiil ÷ Plein CadrageOctet P1000003JPG Caracteres Utlhsables Caracteres Arbitraires + numero de fichier ChiffresJiq1! fuJi eeUJlli ?I II JNIRemarques ITlTt3ftB r,1BITAlJ 11r!lFttFTilF Entretien et nettoyageSpdcifications Chaotique ou fragmentee etou Foire aux questionsFAQPourquoi Iimage ne semble-t Elle pas en haute definition?La tleee, rnrnnd n Lorsdelaraiseenou horsmarcheduteleviseurViera Tools Icranet Main-doeuvre TeJeviseursViera42poet plusJ Service Domicile JUn 1an PicesTelviseursVieramoinsde42p0/ Service ComprisPanasonic Corporation of North America. 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