Panasonic TC-L3232C manual IJT3161i11F1611,-J ,Z, 3111BITtFJlllh1i/Ili.1J,tkl, 24 mm, Dcim

Page 37

IJ)_T3161i11'F161"1,-")J][ ,_'Z;_]


Still images recorded with digital



compatible with JPEG files of DCF* and EXIF**









Baseline JPEG (Sub-sampling:



or 4:2:0)


number of files:







160 x 120 to 20,000,000




*DCF (Design rule for camera file system): A Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association's standard

**EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format)

( Caution )

@AJPEG image modified with a PC may not be displayed.

@Partly degraded files might be displayed at a reduced resolution.

(N D

@ Folder structure viewed in PC


















folder number

+ 5-digit





arbitrary characters + 4-digit





Usable characters:


"a to


"Ato Z", "0 to 9," and ....

















@The folder and file names may be different depending on the digital camera used.

@For the suitable SD Memory Cards, please confirm the latest information on the following website. (This site is in English only)


@Use an SD Card which meets SD standards. If not, it may cause the TV to malfunction.

@Do not remove the card while the unit is accessing data (this can damage card or unit).

@Do not touch the terminals on the back of the card.

@Do not subject the card to high pressure or impact.

@insert the card in the correct direction (otherwise, card or unit may be damaged).

@Electrical interference, static electricity or erroneous operation may damage the data or card.

@Back up the recorded data at regular intervals in case of deteriorated or damaged data or

erratic operation of the unit. (Panasonic is not liable for any deterioration or damage of recorded data.)




24 mm

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kVi1:1t,;_'l IK'i'l,EIl-'IJT_'\vAI[ S11I_1 '''_

HDMI connections to some Panasonic equipment allows you to interface automatically. (p. 23)

@This function may not work normally depending on the equipment condition.

@The equipment can be operated by other remote controls with this function on even if TV is in Standby mode.

@image or sound may not be available for the first few seconds when the playback starts.

@image or sound may not be available for the first few seconds when Input mode is switched.

@Volume function will be displayed when adjusting the volume of the equipment.

@If you connect equipment that has "HDAVl Control 2 or later" function to the TV with HDMI cable, the sound from DIGITAL AUDIO OUT terminal can be output as multi channel surround.

@"HDAVl Control 5" is the newest standard (current as of December, 2010) for the HDAVl Control compatible equipment. This standard is compatible with the conventional HDAVl equipment.



tc_L3232c_en_O608.h]db 37

2010/12/24 13:40:2;


Image 37
Contents EspaSol TC-L3232CEnglish This product incorporates the following software Multi ia excitementFirstTime Please read before using the unitViera IITClpbTilETII,- ll Jt #L -ll,vA,i .i11rilI-JiGROUNOc,AMyJ \ Creating the Potential Risk of Suffocation American Academy of Pediatrics discourages Tune Into SafetyFOptional Accessory Accessories/OptionalAccessoryCheck you have all the items shown Back of the TV==Assembling AccessoriesPedestal ==Set-upAntenna terminal Pin terminals Hdmi terminal ConnectionsFront of the TV Digital Audio OUTAVEquipment Best To use Hdmi terminalsTo use Component terminals Good CTo use Composite terminalsIt14 Identifying ControlsTurn the TV On with the Power button First Time SetupConfigure your viewing mode 2Select your viewing mode Be sure to select Home useComplete the Auto program setup Auto channel setup ANT/Cable setupSelect Start Press to go back to Previous screenWhen done, select Next and press OK to go to the next step Complete the First time setupGive names to the TVs inputs Label inputs Congratulations! You are doneDigital mode Turn power onWatching TV Select a channel numberSet the Favorite channel Press Format to cycle through the aspect modes pDelete a favorite channel To changeABC abc Input your 4-digit passwordOther Useful Operations Isplay Viera Tools Select the item Using Viera ToolsSet each item Press to exit from Menu screenSelect the input mode WatchingcontentfromexternaldevicesPC adjustments p With the connected equipment turned OnDisplay Viera Image Viewer Insert SD cardSelect the data to be viewed ViewSettings @ or @ Display Photo settings @ Select the itemTo sort by Folder, month or date In@ Select the sort type 2Select the directoryHdmi cable Viera Link Tmhdavi Control TMConnecting DVD Recorder Diga Connecting Home theater system/AV amp Hdmi 1 is recommendedConnecting HD Camcorder/Digital camera Terminal overviewDefault is On Select and make other settingsMI=1zTII TIff lil FWII1 1 JI Press to go back to the previous screen@.3Panel Select Display the Viera Link menu Select the itemSet Press to exit from a menu screenSelect Back to TV Available TV remote control buttonsSelect Auto program Select a scanning mode p Menu Display Select Setup Select ANT/Cable setup1Select ANT After the scanning is completed, select ApplySelect Edit Select Apply To cancel the EditSelect the item to edit AddAdjust or select a menu item How to Use Menu FunctionsMenu structure Frequency InputAdvanced Reset to defaults BassBalance Advanced audio IccJ1 03lt IDJ Lit. I..,I111111 Settings in Analog or Digital depend on the broadcasterLilt,all ECO/energy Power save Standard Saving No signal for 10 minutesRatings List for parental control I1.-T Technical Information16--1 3111BITtFJlllh1i/Ili.1J,tkl IJT3161i11F1611,-J ,ZKVi11t,l IKil,EIl-IJT\vAI S11I1 24 mmIsAIl..,l,.i Ei f1! r,!JJe.ei IF.TI?III?HD/SYNC GNDFirst, unplug the Power cord plug from the wall outlet Care and Cleaning111 ¢F Specifications Why is there no picture Or just FrequentlyAsked Questions FAQBlack or snowy Screen Being Displayed?Why is the sound unusual Why is there no sound comingDistorted, low volume or From the TV?Hdmi IndexService Limited Warranty Coverage@ o One Panasonic Way Secaucus, New CustomerServicesDirectoryforU.S.AandPuertoRicoWarranty Limited Warranty for CanadaPanasonic Canada Inc Ambler Drive, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2T3Este producto incorpora el siguiente software Sienta Increible de excitaci6n MultiIdentificaci6n de los controles Asegrese de leerPrecauciones para su seguridad Peligro DE Explosion SilaTVdeLCDsehacaidoelgabineteseencuentrada5ado\vA., IJ= -lJ 11J71JIJ1I!-I*,-I-I,1-I IJ=qIf1!I IJ=IIf1 IqFCC Panasonic recomienda encargar la instalaci6n en la paredAccesorio Opcional Accesorios/Accesorio opcionalBJ BFJIffF AccesoriosIIMontaje del pedestal FJI,FJTerminal de antena Terminal de contactos Terminal Hdmi ConexibnesParte delantera del TV Parte posterior del TV1Para utilizar terminales de Video Componente Superior Para utilizar terminales HdmiBuena Para utilizar terminales de Video Compuesto? FkITtSI+ L FJI t,FJF Identificacibn de los controlesSeleccione su modo de visualizacion Configure su modo de visualizacibn@ Seleccione su idioma Seleccione lniciar Configuracion automatica de canales Ajuste ANT/CableAjuste el reloj Ajustar reloj Asigne titulos a las entradas de TV Etiqueta deComplete Ajuste Inicial CTR/MEDIA EXT!OTROSEncienda El televisor Para ver la televisibnSeleccione un numero de canal Ajustar el canal favorito Pulse Format para cambiar entre los modos de aspecto pagEliminar un canal favorito Para cambiar la paginaOtras operaciones utiles Visualice Viera Tools Seleccione el elemento Utilizacibn de Viera ToolsAjuste cada elemento Seleccione el modo de entrada Visualice Viera Image Viewer Inserte La tarjetaSeleccione los datos que va a ver Pulse para salir de la pantalla deSeleccione el directorio En@o@ IVisualice Menu de imagenes fijasSeleccione el elemento Ajustar la imagen/AudioHdavi Cable HdmiConexion de la Grabadora de DVD Diga Generalidades de las terminalesConexion de una videograbadora HD/Camara digital LumixLa opciSn predeterminada es Si Seleccione Viera Link Seleccione SiTcL3232csia0608.indb Pulse para salir De la pantalla de menu SeleccioneSeleccione Volver a TV Seleccione Ajuste Edicibny configuracibnde canalesSeleccione Ajuste ANT/Cable 2Seleccione el elemento que quiera editar Para cancelar la edicion@ Mueva el cursor al numero del canal FavoritosVisualice el menu CbmoutilizarlasfuncionesdelosmendsSeleccione el ment Seleccione un elemento del menuModo Regreso PrefijadosEst&ndar SincroniaMatriz Ii iii iApagado 15130160190 MinutosAjuste/ingresodecontraseSap&g17 Diapositivas Mode deMiniaturasl Ajustar DespuesI8+ Listadeclasificacionesparael bloqueoPrecauci6n IIlffi B Informacibn tdcnica@ Comp DCF KvA11t,-1I3 El-IJT-\vAI eJpeg Precaucidn LiI111?1F. JLin1f1pAuJJoouadNC no Conectado Forma de Ias patillas Para ei Cuidados y limpieza Hdmi Ranura De tarjeta EspecificacionesPedestal SolamentePreguntas frecuentes Inicial,seleccionandola entrada de Cableo antenaen el paso3 Por que no emite sonido elLast IndiceMute Nota Panasonic Anotaci6n del clienteElectronics Division of PanasonicTC-L3232C PanasonicLe multim ia a son meilleur Viera Image Viewer TM Lire attentivementTSTTtPXIFI..riIIPX!IitSlII Mesures de sdcuritKV.Tfll -.iYr Pour rduire les risques de choc lectrique, ne pas retirerIappareil en tout temps Optez Pour LA Sccuriti Precautions FOGAccessoire en option Accessoires/Accessoireen optionPanneau arriere du televiseur Support de montage mural @ TY-WK3L2RWInstallation Accessoires==Montage du piedestal Ne dmontez nine modifiez le pidestalConnexions ConnexionsBorne Hdmi Prises Superieur BornesMoyen @Prises CompositeRib Emplacement des commandesPanneau avant du tlviseur Reglage des sous-titres pConfigurez votre mode de visionnement Appuyezsur la touche POWERpourmettrele tel6viseuren marcheSelectionnez votre mode de visionnement Assurez-vous de S61ectionner le mode Usage & domicile@ Selectionnez Debut Rdglage automatique des canaux Rdglage ANT/CableFelicitations ! Tout est termine Appuyez pour revenir a Iecran PrecedentSyntonisez un canal Mettez le tdldviseur en marche=== Pour entrer directement un numeroReglage des canaux favoris RemarquesSuppression dun canal favori Appuyez sur SUB Menu pour afficher Iecran du sous-menuAutres fonctions pratiques Affichez les fonctions VlERA Tools UtilisationdesfonctionsVIERATOOLSPour quitter le menu a Iecran Appuyez sur Appuyez pour revenir a Iecran PrecedentOu O pour la modifier Sdlectionnez le mode dentrdeAppareils raccordes en marche Prise IdentificationAffichez Introduisez la carte SDSdlectionnez les donndes a visualiser De Iimage/du son 2Selectionnez le repertoireReglage De la piste Sonore MusiqueBle Hdmi Raccordement dun enregistreur DVD Diga Panneaux de raccordementCble Hdmi Raccordement dun camescope HD/appareil photo numeriqueSlectionnez Viera Link Slectionnez EF Affichez le menu Slectionnez Rglage Viera Link sous RglageSlectionnez et effectuez les autres rglages IljTcL3232cflaO608.indb 2010/12/24 13423 Slectionnez une rubrique Affichez le menu Viera LinkEffectuez la sdlection Effectuez le rdglageSelectionnez Retour b tele Cinema maison Reglage sur Iequipement Volume haut / bas ÷1Selectionnez Sortie H-P Selectionnez Cinema maison ou Tele Affichez le menu Sdlectionnez Rdglage Programmationet dition descanauxSdlectionnez Rdglage ANT/Cble Effectuez les modifications Selectionnez la rubrique & modifier¢ Sigle Changementm AjouterAffichez le menu Utilisationdes fonctions des menusSlectionnez un menu Faites le reglage ou selectionnez une rubrique du menuPosition-HRegle la position horizontale Point horlogePosition-V DS/HD HF/EFRducteur Niveau Noir Fonc6/ClairMode Iccj Tiil ta/i1l!tiI!lPerson Rtablir D6faut¢CEPTEU R/CENTRE M/PASSER.M/AUTRE Aucun signal pendant Minutes En marche/Hors marcheIco-nergie P6riode dinactivit de 3 heures En marche/HorsTableau de classement Canada Tableau de classement €MIS.TCL¢ €.-UTableau de classement CANADA-QUCBEC Iiil Informations techniques÷ Plein Cadrage 16--1 RemarquesOctet P1000003JPG Caracteres Utlhsables Caracteres Arbitraires + numero de fichier ChiffresJiq1! fuJi eeUJlli ?I II JNIRemarques ITlTt3ftB r,1BITAlJ 11r!lFttFTilF Entretien et nettoyageSpdcifications Pourquoi Iimage ne semble-t Foire aux questionsFAQElle pas en haute definition? Chaotique ou fragmentee etouLa tleee, rnrnnd n Lorsdelaraiseenou horsmarcheduteleviseurViera Tools TelviseursVieramoinsde42p0/ Service TeJeviseursViera42poet plusJ Service Domicile JUn 1an PicesCompris Icranet Main-doeuvrePanasonic Corporation of North America. Tous droits reserv6s
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