BEFORE OPERATlON (continued)
Precautions (continued)
C l e a n i n g - Unplug the unit from the walI outlet before cIeaning or poIishing it. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosoI cIeaners. Use a dry cIoth for cleaning the exterior of the unit.
lf a snapping or popping sound from a unit is heard continuousIy or frequentIy while the unit is operated, unpIug the unit and consuIt your dealer or service technician. It is normal for some unit to make occasional snapping or popping sounds, particuIarIy when being turned on or off.
Damage Requiring Service - Unplug the unit from the waIl outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personneI under the folIowing conditions: a . l f t h e p o w e r c o r d o r p l u g i s d a m a g e d o r frayed.
b.lf Iiquid has been spiIIed or objects have fallen into the unit.
c.lf the unitt has been exposed to rain or water.