ESP (Energy Savings Protection)
This menu item allow for a setting of a default time off to protect against a TV being left on when a guest leaves a room without turning off the TV. The mode can be set On or Off, and the hours of inactivity until it turns itself off can be 1 to 9 hours.
Source Menu Item
This menu item is a Yes/No selection and allows control over whether a user, through the user menu, has access to input selection.
Picture Format Menu Item
This menu item is a Yes/No selection and allows control over whether a user, through the user menu, has access to change the Image Format (widescreen or native).
Note: This option will be No on all Plasma monitors to prevent image retention
Minimum Volume
Set the available minimum volume from 0 to 99
Maximum Volume
Sets the available maximum volume from 0 to 99
Setup Key Sequence
Provides a method for changing the key button sequence used to access set up features. If these are changed, make sure to write down the keys. Failing to record these would require
A key press sequence of up to eight buttons can be defined. These keys are more than numeric keys and adds to the security for a system.
Captioning Setup
This submenu is used to control the default values for the Closed Captioning function on the tuner.
Copyright 2007 – Enseo, Inc.