JVC AV28S2EK, AV32S2EK 25#+705, 7R#YLHZ#D#ORFNHG#79#FKDQQHO, To reset the Child Lock function

Page 24


5Press the blue button and set the CHILD LOCK function.

@(CHILD LOCK) appears and the TV channel is locked.

To reset the CHILD LOCK function:

Press the blue button again.

@(CHILD LOCK) disappears.

6Press the 3button to complete the setting.

The menu disappears.

To disable easy resetting of the CHILD LOCK function, the menu disappears if you choose the CHILD LOCK function and press the 3 button.


1Choose a programme number (PR) for a locked TV channel, by using the number buttons or PR LIST

The screen changes to blue and the @(CHILD LOCK) appears. You cannot view the TV channel.

2Press the 9 (information) button to display “ID NO.” (ID No. input screen)

3Press the number buttons to enter the ID


The lock is temporarily released so you can view the TV channel.

If you have forgotten the ID number:

Perform step 1 of “To set the CHILD LOCK function”. After confirming the ID number, press the 4button to exit the menu.

Even if you reset the lock temporarily, it does not mean that the CHILD LOCK function set for the TV channel is cancelled. The next time anyone tries to view the TV channel, it will be locked again.

When you want to cancel the CHILD LOCK function, you must perform the operation “To set the CHILD LOCK function” again.

To stop it being easy to choose the programme number (PR) of a locked TV channel, the programme number (PR) has been set so that it cannot be chosen by the ë buttons or the buttons of the TV.

To stop it being easy to reset of the lock, “ID NO.” (ID No. input screen) is set so that it cannot appear unless you press the 9 (Information) button.


You can only use this function if you have a decoder connected to a T-V LINK compatible VCR, which in turn is connected to the EXT-2 terminal. To use this function, see “Using the DECODER (EXT-2) function” on page 30.

If you have not connected a decoder with a T-V LINK compatible VCR to the EXT-2 terminal, setting this function to “ON” by mistake causes the picture/sound of a TV channel you are currently viewing to disapper.


Image 24
Contents AV28S2EK AV32S2EK 6SHFLILFDWLRQVHow to replace the fuse 6DIHW\#SUHFDXWLRQVDuqlqj DxwlrqXLGHOLQHV#IRU#VDIH#RSHUDWLRQ 6HWWLQJ#XS#\RXU#79 3XWWLQJ#EDWWHULHV#LQWR#WKH#UHPRWH#FRQWUROPress the main power button on the TV QLWLDO#VHWWLQJVTo cancel the Auto Program function If you do not have a T-V Link compatible VCR connectedIf you have a T-V Link compatible VCR connected When Feature not Available is displayed 3UH0VHW#GRZQORDGLUHFW#5HF 79#DXWR#SRZHU#RQ29&5#8VLQJ#\RXU#79²WKH#EDVLFV 7XUQ#WKH#PDLQ#SRZHU#RQKRRVH#D#79#FKDQQHO 7XUQ#WKH#79#RQ#IURP#VWDQGE\#PRGHKDQJLQJ#WKH#YROXPH DWFKLQJ#LPDJHV#IURP# HWHUQDO#HTXLSPHQW8VLQJ#WKH#EXWWRQV#RQ#WKH#79 0XWLQJ#EXWWRQ 1XPEHU#EXWWRQV=220#EXWWRQ AutoKRRVH#WKH#=220#PRGH Slfwxuh+35#6281#EXWWRQ #,QIRUPDWLRQ#EXWWRQ 79#EXWWRQ6WDQGE\#EXWWRQ RORXU#EXWWRQV~#7HOHWHW#FRQWURO#EXWWRQV#DQG#9&5229#VZLWFK 8VLQJ#WKH#/LVW#0RGHDVLF#RSHUDWLRQ +ROG 6XE0SDJH5HYHDO QGH8VLQJ#WKH#79·V#PHQXV# Follow the menus according to the function you want to use3LFWXUH#VHWWLQJ 3LFWXUH#DGMXVWPHQW#02 Mode3LFWXUH#IHDWXUHV $872#915285#6670 =6#$872#$63&7785#7,/7 6RXQG#VHWWLQJ 6752#2#,‡6RXQG#DGMXVWPHQW 63$.5To cancel the K S-VIDEO input setting +609,2#LQSXWPress the ë buttons or ì buttons to choose an EXT terminal Press the yellow button and set the K S-VIDEO inputTo erase a name assigned to the EXT terminal EXT-1/EXT-3/EXT-4#%$ #7,05+,/#/2 7R#VHW#WKH#&+,/#/2&.#IXQFWLRQTo reset the Child Lock function 25#+7057R#YLHZ#D#ORFNHG#79#FKDQQHO Press the blue button and set the Child Lock functionWhen not using the EDIT/MANUAL function To display the Install menu$1*8$ $872#352*5$0To cancel the Move function 720$18$029 To cancel the ID function To cancel the Insert function1657 Press the number buttons to enter the remaining CH numberTo cancel the Manual function +#180%5$18$ Press the yellow button to delete the TV channelWhen the Demo function is set to on To stop the demonstrationTo display the Demo menu 2WKHU#PHQXV 8VLQJ#WKH#&25#+705,##Ixqfwlrq Turn on the VCR Press the 3 buttonPress the 3 button to complete the settings 7XUQLQJ#WKH#79·V#VSHDNHUV#RIIBefore connecting anything XUWKHU#SUHSDUDWLRQDpsolilhu 709#/,1.#FRPSDWLEOH#9&5RQQHFWLQJ#KHDGSKRQHV 79#EXWWRQV#DQG#SDUWV URQW#SDQHO5HDU#3DQHO 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ