JVC HR-3911U, HR-S3901 specifications For Servicing Only in U.S.A

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Contents Contents Declaration of Conformity Video heads cleaning How to use the RemoteRemote Front Panel Buttons, Connectors and IndicatorsRear Panel On-screen displayRF Connection Connections and Plug&Play SettingAV Connection Video ConnectionInitial Settings Language SettingClock Setting Cable Box and/or DBS Receiver Control Setting Tuner SettingSetting channels automatically Auto Channel Set Setting channels manually Manual Channel SetAccess Brand Set screen Access Cable Box Set screen or DBS Receiver Set screenConnect Controller to VCR Turn on cable box or DBS receiverAdjusting tracking condition Tracking Adjustment Playback FeaturesPlayback Basic PlaybackAutomatic operations after rewinding Next Function Memory Locating beginning of timer recordings Instant ReviewPlaying back tape repeatedly 100 times Repeat Play Locating beginning of recordings Index SearchRecording Features RecordingBasic Recording Timer Recording Changing VCR Plus+ SettingVCR Plus+ Timer Programing Express Timer Programing To use the VCR while it is in timer recording standby mode24HR Quick Programing Function settings Timer warning displayOther Functions Checking tape positionWhen this function is set to OFF When this function is set to onEP mode Press Play 4 to start recordingChild Lock Satellite Auto RecordingChanging Remote Control Code Multi-Brand Remote ControlTV Brand Setting Cable Box or DBS Receiver Brand SettingEditing VHS SpecificationsVHF UHFTroubleshooting For Servicing Only in U.S.A 75!48*35*6!445* %#* =51!!%3?*6@A Warranty Only in U.S.A%3!#%43!##!3*%!%6%43!##!3*%!%6*$!#8*!G #73*%*#4!%68!#&46&3*#%* 4&GMemo KCC