Bryan Boilers Discover Reliable Bryan Steam Boilers and Their Key Features

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Design and construction features that assure reliable performance

A.Heavy steel boiler frame, built and stamped in accordance with the ASME boiler code. Hot water boilers constructed as standard for operating pressures to 160 psi. Also available for higher operating pressures. Steam boilers constructed as standard for operating pressures of 15 psi or 150

psi. Also available for higher operat- ing pressures. Large steam release area for dry steam.

B. Waterlegdowncomerstoinsurerapid



internal circulation and temperature






C. Bryan flexible water tubes, easily re-




placeable, requiring no welding or



rolling. Tubes installed from one side.




D. Boilertubeaccesspanelboltedtightly



and sealed to boiler frame. Con-



structed of 2" insul-wool high tem-






Tubes installed from one side for easy


accessible service and inspection.


E.Boilerjacket,heavygaugezinccoated, with attractive enamel finish. Boiler jacket insulated with 1½" fiberglass to insure cool jacket.

F.Atmospheric gas burner controls — alloy steel atmospheric burner. Quiet electric ignition and operation. No moving parts or complicated adjustments.

G.All controls, gauges, relief valve(s) are factory installed and wired and easily accessible for servicing.

H.Control panel: all controls installed and connected to terminal strip.

Bryan K Series Boilers Standard and Optional Equipment


Water Boiler

Combinationthermometerandaltitude gauge, ASME Code rated boiler relief valve,watertemperaturecontrol(240°F max std.), high limit control, probe LWCO.

Steam Boiler

Combinationlowwatercutoffandpump control, auxiliary low water cutoff with manual reset, high limit pressure con- trol, ASME-rated safety valve, water glass set.

Atmospheric equipment

Electronic combustion safety control, automatic operating gas valve, safety gas valve, pilot solenoid valve, electric ignition assembly, main manual gas shut-off valve, pilot shut-off valve,

pilotandmaingaspressureregulators, barometric draft controller, all controls installed and wired standard voltage 120/1/60.


1.Manual reset high limit control

2.Manual reset low water cutoff

3.Auxiliary low water cutoff (water)

4.Combination low water cutoff and feeder

5.Alarm bells or horns

6.UL, CSD-1, FM, IRI or other insurance approved control systems

7.Low fire start, Hi-Lo or modulation fire control

8.Indicating lights, as desired

9.Lead-lag systems for two or more boilers with or without outdoor reset control

10.Heat exchanger coils for domestic water



Steam boiler

Optional construction to ASME Power Boiler Code requirements for pressure exceeding 150 psi to maxi- mum of 300 psi design pressure.

Hot water boiler

Optional construction to ASME Power Boiler Code requirements for temperatures exceeding 240° F and/or pressure exceeding 160 psi to maximum of 285° F operat- ing and 300° F design tempera- ture and 250 psi.

When ordering, please specify:

1.Boiler size

2.Supply and return temperatures required

3.Boiler relief valve setting

4.Type of fuel: natural or LP

5.If gas, type, BTU content, specific gravity and pressure available

6.Optional extra equipment or construction

7.Special approvals required (UL, CSD-1, FM, or IRI)


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Contents Series Steam & Water Boilers Bryan K Series Boiler Specifications Bryan K Series Boilers Standard and Optional Equipment Bryan K Series Steam & Hot Water Boilers