Engine Oil Replacement
1.Replace engine oil, first in 25 hours of operation and every 50 to 100 hours afterwards.
2.Drain the engine oil when the oil is warm as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18. Engine Oil (Draining)
3.Remove the oil drain bolt and sealing washer and allow the oil to drain into a suitable container.
4.Replace engine oil in the oil tank with recommended type oil as listed inTable 4.Engine oil capacity is 1.16 quarts (1.1 liter). DO NOT overfill.
5.Install drain bolt with sealing washer and tighten securely.
Air Filter Cleaning
1.Remove the air cleaner cover and foam filter element as shown in Figure 19.
2.Tapthepaperfilterelement(Figure 19)severaltimesonahard surfacetoremovedirt,orblowcompressedair[notexceeding 30psi(207kPa,2.1kgf/cm2)]throughthefilterelementfromthe air cleaner case side.
CAUTION - Cleaning the Engine Air Filter
NEVER brushoffdirt.Brushingwillforcedirtintothefibersand causepoorperformanceinyourairfilter.Replacethepaperfilter element if it is excessively dirty.
3.Clean foam element in warm, soapy water or nonflammable solvent. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Dip the element in clean engineoilandcompletelysqueezeouttheexcessoilfromthe element before installing.
Checking and the V-Belt
After 200 hours of operation, remove the belt cover to check theV- belt tension (Figure 20).
1.Remove the belt cover.
2.Tension is proper if the belt bends about 10 mm when depressed strongly with finger between shafts. Loose or worn
Figure 20. Checking V-belt Tension
CAUTION - Checking and Replacing the
Replacing theV-belt
1.Remove the
2.Using cutters, simply cut the worn or defective
3.Place one end of the new
4.Place a 19 mm offset wrench or the like onto the lower vibrator pulley fastening bolt.
5.Place the other end of the
Figure 19. Engine Air Filter
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