D3200 EasyStart
[EFFECT] & [EQ] Keys
The D3200 has a multitude of high quality (56bit) effects to choose from. There are three effect sections (Insert, Master and Final). Up to 11 effects can be used simultaneously in a song! There are 52 effect algorithms and plenty of programs – 128 Preset, 128 User, and 32 that can be stored with each song.
The D3200 also provides a
1.Press the EFFECT key (located to the left of the Knob Matrix), and then select the “EFFRouting” tab. Here you can view the effects that are being used in this song > Insert effects can be used as input effects recorded with the incoming signal (indicated by “IN” at the far left) or as playback track effects (indicated by “TR”). To change this status, select the “IN” or “TR” and rotate the DIAL > To the right of this parameter is the channel in which each insert effect is applied. This can be changed in the same way.
2.Select the “MstrEFF1” tab in the display. It’s easy to make edits to the effects using the Knob Matrix. Here you can make custom settings, rename and save your own custom effect presets.
3.Press the EQ key located to the left of the Knob Matrix. Here you can view and make changes to a selected channel’s EQ, using the Knob Matrix. Select the “EQ Library” tab to view the EQ presets. This is a great time saver!
See the D3200 Owner’s Manual pages
The [MIXER] Key
1.Press the MIXER key, located to the left of the Knob Matrix. Here you will find access to input/output assignment, pairing faders, scene automation, mixer setups, EQ, effect sends etc.
The [Session Drums™] Key
Session Drums make it fast and easy to create a realistic drum track in
Creating and Working with a New D3200 Song
In this section, you’ll learn the basics on creating a new song. You’ll understand how to assign inputs, apply effects and EQ to your input source, use Session Drums, as well as mix down, burn a CD and back up your song to a computer.
You will need a guitar or microphone and a blank