Set Date of Recording
Set a
•Use the (e.g., for June, press “6”)
•Use the (e.g., for the 10th, press
•Use the (e.g., for 2003, press
•The event must occur within 1 year of the current time or you will receive an input error.
Use the /
buttons to select one of the following recurring recording options:
•Daily - Records the event every day of the week
•Wkly Mon~Sun - Records the event once a week on the same day (e.g, every Monday).
Set Start Time
•Use the /
buttons to set the starting hour and press
(e.g., for 12:00, press
•Use the /
buttons to set the starting minutes and press
(e.g., for 12:00, press
Set Length of Recording
•Use the /
buttons to set the length in hours and press
(e.g., for a 30 minute recording, press “0”)
•Use the /
buttons to set the length in minutes and press
(e.g., for a 30 minute recording, press
Set Input Source
Use the /
buttons to select one of the following inputs:
•Ch### - Records from television. Use the (e.g., for channel 22, press
•L1 - Records from a device connected to the front panel Video In jack.
•L2 - Records from a device connected to the back panel Video In jack.
Set Record Quality
Use the /
buttons to select one of the following Quality levels:
•HQ - Select for High Quality mode (1 hr. max per disc, comparable to DVD quality)
•SP - Select for Standard Play mode (2 hrs. max per disc)
•LP - Select for Long Play mode (3 hrs. max per disc, comparable to
•EP - Select for Extended Play mode (4 hrs. max per disc)
•SLP - Select for Super Long Play mode (6 hrs. max per disc, comparable to standard VHS quality).
Advanced DVDDVD Basic Setup Getting Settings Playback RecordingStarted