To delete a KEY, click the desired key in the main screen and select DELETE KEY from the EDIT menu. Click YES or NO to confirm.
To rearrange the KEYS for the current de- vice, select ARRANGE KEY from the EDIT. You can also manually move the page keys to another loca- tion by clicking the key name, holding the mouse button, and dragging the label to a new location.
To view the steps in a MACRO, select the desired macro from the MACRO menu. The steps recorded in the macro are displayed down the right side of the main screen.
To change the KEY TONE setting, select KEY TONE from the SETTING menu. Click the desired option in the dialog box.
To change the BACKLIGHT setting, select BACKLIT from the SETTING menu. Click the desired option in the dialog box.
To view the PASSWORD setting, select PASS- WORD from the SETTING menu.
To view the VOLUME