Abrasive Selection:
1.The type of media chosen will greatly influence the amount of time needed to clean a particular surface area.
2.Abrasive blasting media include silicon carbide, glass bead, walnut shell, brass bead, and alumina.
3.If you decide to reuse media, remember, it does wear out. The sharp edges become rounder and are less effective. At that point you should replace the tank of media you are using.
To Load Media And Parts Into The Blast Cabinet:
1. WARNING! Always wear
2.WARNING! Never service the Blast Cabinet or disassemble with the air hose attached. Always release any
3.Make sure the media used is dry to avoid clogging the Metering Valve (13) or Blast Gun (4B). Then open a Side Door (6) and pour the media (up to 15 pounds) over the Grate (39) within the Cabinet (22). (See Figures G and L .)
4.All parts to be blasted must be free of oil, grease, and moisture. Once cleaned and dried, place the parts on the Grate (39) within the Cabinet (22). Make sure to close and securely lock the Door Latch Assembly (35). (See Figures G and L.)
Nozzle Size:
1.Depending on the size (diameter) of the media, install the proper size Nozzle (6mm, 7mm) into the Blast Gun (4B). To do so, unscrew and remove the Nozzle Holding Nut (1B). Insert the desired Nozzle into the front portion of the
Blast Gun. Then screw the Nozzle Holding Nut back onto the Blast Gun to secure the Nozzle in place. (See Assy. Diagram, page 22.)
2.NOTE: By changing to the next larger size of Nozzle, production can increase significantly. Larger size Nozzles produce a larger cleaning pattern. This, how- ever, requires a higher air pressure.
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