20.Whenever possible, perform an abrasive blasting test on a small area of the object to be blasted. If necessary, adjust the distance to the object and/or change the Nozzle of the Blast Gun for more effective results.
21.Make sure to read and understand all safety warnings and precautions as outlined in the manufacturer’s manual for the object you intend to blast with abrasives.
22.Avoid unintentional starting. Make sure the Power Switch (1A) on the Blast Cabinet is in its “OFF” position when the tool is not being used.
23. WARNING! NEVER use sand as a blasting medium. Abrasive blasting with media containing crystalline silica can cause serious or fatal respiratory disease. Exposure to crystalline silica may cause silicosis (a serious lung disease), cancer, and death. Exposure to aluminum oxide (a dust generated
from material removing processes) can result in eye, skin, and breathing irritation. Always use an
the work area is required. Read and understand the ten recommended measures below to reduce crystalline silica exposure in the workplace and prevent silicosis and silicosis related injuries and deaths.
The following ten measures are recommended to reduce crystalline silica exposures in the workplace and prevent silicosis and silicosis related injuries and deaths:
1.Prohibit silica sand (or other substances containing more than 1% crystalline silica) as an abrasive blasting material and substitute less hazardous materials.
2.Conduct air monitoring to measure worker exposures.
3.Use containment methods such as
4.Practice good personal hygiene to avoid unnecessary exposure to silica dust.
5.Wear washable or disposable protective clothes at the worksite. Shower, and change into clean clothes before leaving the worksite to prevent contamination of cars, homes, and other work areas.
6.Use respiratory protection when source controls cannot keep silica exposures below the recommended levels.
7.Provide periodic medical examinations for all workers who may be exposed to crystalline silica.
8.Post signs to warn workers about the hazard and to inform them about required protective equipment.
9.Provide workers with training that includes information about health effects, work practices, and protective equipment for crystalline silica.
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