Using Moxi
•Episode Limit: This sets the maximum number of episodes of the series that the media center will record. If the maxi- mum is reached, new recordings of the series replace the oldest recording of the series. The default setting is five but this can be changed to any number between one and five. You can also remove the limit by selecting unlimited.
•Accept: The default setting is accept repeats. If you do not want repeat episodes recorded, choose
•Timeslots: The default setting is all. With some shows, you may want to record repeats but you do not want to record all the repeats. For example, if a show airs several times a day, or if a network runs a marathon, you might only want the shows that air during a specific timeslot. The media cen- ter checks to see which timeslots are available and allows you to select a single timeslot or set it to all to record every episode that meets your other criteria.
•Priority: By default, new series recordings are added to the bottom of the list of series recordings. Series priority only matters when more than two series recordings are scheduled for the same time slot. See Setting the series priority for more information.
Setting the series priority
When you schedule a new series recording, it is automatically added to the bottom of the list of series recordings.
| TheThe OO..CC.. |
| 23 | 2:55 | ||
| #17Love,Love,DeadliestIncInc.. | Catch |
| |||||
| 38 |
| Smallville |
| Series |
| |||
| Survivor |
| ||||
| ||
9 |
| World | Rally | Championship |
| ||||||
10 |
| UEFA | Champions League | Soccer |
| ||||||
11 |
| Rides | I Shouldn’t Be Alive |
| ||||||
| |||||||||
12 |
| Inside Grand Prix |
| record7series | |||||||
13 | Channels |
| By Design |
| Coming Up | ||||||||
| Victory |
| record6 once | |||||||
14 |
| Bicycle |
| Racing |
| 8:40 My name Is Earl | |||||||
| watch5 | ||||||||
| Set Relock Timer |
| 9:30 | ||||||
15 |
| Survivorman |
| The Office |
| |||||||
| ER close4 | ||||||||||
16 |
| Dirty Jobs |
| 10:00 | |||||||||
17 |
| Deadliest Catch |
| see all3 times |
ChangeDog Whisperer,Time Slot The
American Inventor
On Demand
Figure 20: Changing the series priority
If more than two series recordings are scheduled for the same time on the same day, the media center checks the order in the priority list and only records the two programs with the higher priority.
For example, if there are series recordings set for Thursday evening with series priority ranks of 4, 9, and 23, all in the 9:00 PM timeslot, only the series with ranks of 4 and 9 are recorded.
18 | Media Center User Guide | © 2006 by Digeo, Inc. All rights reserved. |