Shaw SAC-00-094 manual Aligning Dish To Acquire Shaw Direct Signal, Signal Verification

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Position yellow cursor(using navigator keys on the remote control) on the Provider ID and enter 4128 from the keypad

To access this menu for DSR5xx, DSR207/209 and DSR317/319 model receivers, using remote

1.Press Options,

2.Press 6 System Setup

3.Press 4 System Settings

3.Press 3 Insatllation Settings

4.Press 1 Tune in Satellite Signal

Installer menu for DSR5xx, DSR207/209 and DSR317/319 model series receiver.

Position yellow cusor (usingnavigatorkeys on the remote control) on EMMProviderID and enter 4128from the keypad

Use the above illustrated installer menu to align the dish for maximum signal strength.You should have the assistance of a second person to monitor thetelevision screen whileyou complete the adjustments to the satellite dish. As you align the dish for optimum signal strength, the signal level bar will increase inlength from eftl to right and willchange colour from red (no signal)to yelow (marginal signal)to green (good signal). Continue to align the dish until you achieve maximum strength.Under clear skyconditions and depending on yourlocation, you should be able to achievea signal strength of between 80 and 90% . Inaddition to the visual signal strength indicator,the receiver alsoemits an audio beeping that wil increasein speed as signal strength increases and becomea monotone once you have aligned the dish tothe satellite and achieved approximately 50% signal strength. Whenaudio beep becomes monotone, het front panel signal LEDshould change from Redto Green, indicating signal lock on the satelite.

Aligning Dish To Acquire Shaw Direct Signal

With receiver on and your assistant readyto monitorsignal strength onthe installer menu displayedon the TV, you are now ready tomake adjustments to the dish to acquire the Shaw Direct satellite signal.

1.Refer to the compass,elevation and skewsettings for your location that you recorded onPage 13.

2.For initial alignment, set the skew to 90 degrees. Skew will be readjusted toyour specific location setting onceyou acquire the Shaw Direct satellite signal. TIP: it is easier to locate satellite signal with skew set to 90 degrees.

3.Check that the dish elevation is set to the elevation settinglistedfor your area.

4.Draw a reference mark on the dish clamp and pipe mast as a starting point before you make any adjustments to the dish.

5.Standing behind the dish, using both hands, grab the dish on each side and slowing move dish in very small increments to the east (or west) several degrees while your assistant observes the TV installation menu for increase in signal strength.

6.As you start to get indication ofincreasingsignal make a second reference mark on thedish clamp and pipe mast to serve as a point where signal strength increased.

7.As you move dish past the point of maximum signal strength, move dish back in the opposite direction until you achieve maximumsignal.

8.Tighten the dish clamp screws.

9.Now make small adjustments to the elevation of the dish to see if you can further improve on the signal strength. Loosen the Elevation Adjustment Bolts and make slight adjustments (1/2 degree increments) in the elevation, finding the maximum signal strength. When you’ve located the maximum signal strength possible, securely tighten all bolts.

10.As a last step, adjust the skew of the dish according to the skew setting you recorded for the location where you are installing the dish. Again, make small adjustments as your assistant monitors the signal strength. When you have reached maximum signal strength tighten the screw to lock down the skew setting.

NOTE do not be discouraged if you do notacquiresignal on your first attempt. Bepatient and tryagain. Recheck the pipe mast for true vertical 90 degrees. Once you acquire signal, you may need to make very smalladjustments to the dish compass heading (azimuth),elevation and skew settings to maximize signal strength to between 80and 90% as displayed on the installer menu.


The front panel of the satellite receiver will indicate if the correct Shaw Direct signal is being received. On the satellite receiver, beside the ON/OFF power button, observe the LED satellite signal status indicator light. If this LED light is GREEN it indicates receiver is tuned to valid channel and has acquired the correct Shaw Direct satellite signal.

You are ready to proceed to the next step.



Image 8
Contents Dual Satellite Welcome to Shaw Direct Phonex Easy JackGetting Started You’ll need the following tools HardwareDish Assembly Do not install the dishMounting Locations We do not recommendYou’ve just finished assembling the dish Locating the SatelliteAzimuth Elevation Skew SAT a SAT B Attaching the Dish You have just completed locating a site for your dishConnecting Receiver and Dish Fig. MAligning Dish To Acquire Shaw Direct Signal Signal VerificationAuthorizing Receiver for Service Fine TuningAlternate Tuning Method Groundinghet Coaxial Cable Yoursystem is now inef tunedand ready foractivationTroubleshooting Problem #2 I can’t change channels Try each of the followingSatellite Locator Chart QuebecOntario Satellite ‘A’ Satellite ‘B’ Town/CityManitoba SaskatchewanAlberta Northwest Territory Yukon Territory