2 |
Other Considerations
Before installation, make sure the Remote Administration client computer meets the minimum requirements as listed in the table below:
Table 2-6 Remote Administration Client minimum requirements
Component | Minimum | Recommended |
Processor | Intel Pentium III | Intel Pentium IV |
Memory | 256 MB RAM | 512 MB RAM |
Supported Operating Systems (with latest | Windows 2000 Professional or Server | |
Service Packs) | Windows 2000 Advanced Server | |
| ||
| Windows Server 2003 Standard and Enterprise Editions | |
| Windows XP Professional |
| Windows Vista Business and Enterprise Editions | |
Network | Ethernet card |
Disk Space | 5 GB free |
Web browser | MS Internet Explorer 5.0 | MS Internet Explorer 7.0 |
In certain European countries, there are laws which forbid the browsing details of users to be seen by monitoring software, unless express permission is given by a manager and a union representative. The Privacy Edition of SurfControl Web Filter enables companies in those countries to comply with this legislation.
You can only upgrade from the previous Privacy edition (5.0) to version 5.5. You cannot upgrade from any standard version of Web Filter to the Privacy edition. For more details on the Privacy Edition features, see the Administrator’s Guide.
26 Starter Guide | SurfControl Web Filter for ISA v5.5 |