MAX Admin Menu
5.Click OK to proceed to the Set New Time screen (FIG. 30), where you can set the system time (in HH:MM:SS format). To adjust the time settings, move the highlighted cursor to the time field that you want to adjust and use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the value up or down.
FIG. 30 Date, Time, Locale - Set New Time
6.Click OK to proceed to the final screen which displays the new Date and Time settings (FIG. 31). Click OK to save your changes and return to the MAX Admin Menu.
FIG. 31 Date, Time, Locale - New Date and Time settings
This option opens an
Modify max.ini
FIG. 32 MAX Admin Menu - Modify max.ini
These options on this page are only for use by AMX Technical Support.
38 | MAX Servers: HT Home Theater and MMS Multimedia Servers |