MS300 User’s Manual
characters and will cycle through each character for every key press.
The text characters follow the same convention used by a standard telephone – except in the case of the “1” and “0” keys which contain additional characters.
When entering characters at the beginning of a field or characters that follow a space, the MS300 assumes that upper case characters are preferred. Therefore, characters are entered in the following cycle – uppercase, lowercase, and numeric. For example, the first key press enters an uppercase letter corresponding to the first letter associated with the key. Pressing the “2” key once displays an “A” in the text field, pressing the “2” key twice displays a “B”, pressing it again will display a “C”. The fourth key press displays a lower case “a”, the fifth key press displays a lower case “b”, and the sixth key press displays a lower case “c”. Lastly, pressing the “2” key a seventh time displays the number “2”.
When entering the second character in a text field or the second character following a space, the MS300 assumes that lower case is preferred and the character entry cycles in the following pattern – lowercase, uppercase, and numeric.
The following text entry table describes the sequence of characters that appear when specific keys are pressed on the remote:
| Alpha Mode | Alpha Mode 2nd | |
| character or 2nd | ||
Key | 1st character or 1st character after a | ||
character after a | |||
| space | ||
| space | ||
| ||
1 | 1. / , ? ‘ : ; &~! | 1. / , ? ‘ : ; &~! | |
2 | ABCabc2 | abcABC2 | |
3 | DEFdef3 | defDEF3 | |
4 | GHIghi4 | ghiGHI4 | |
5 | JKLjkl5 | jklJKL5 | |
6 | MNOmno6 | mnoMNO6 | |
7 | PQRSpqrs7 | pqrsPQRS7 |