Vizio VT470M user manual CapabilitiesUp.-convertingcancausenoiseortrash, Imagedistortionscanoccur

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Youcanseea picturebut Makesurethatthevolumeisnotturneddown. youcannothearsound. Makesurethatthesoundisnotmuted.

Makesurethatyouraudioinputsourcecablesareconnectedsecurelyand correctly.

TheTV haspixelsthatare Your LCD HDTVis manufacturedusing an extremelyhigh level of alwaysdarkorcolored. 3recisiontechnology,however,sometimessomepixelsofyourLCDHDTV maynotdisplay.Pixeldefectswithinindustryspecificationsareinherentto

thistypeofproductanddonotconstitutea defectiveproduct.

Yousee"noise"or "trash" Whenyour LCD HDTV'sdigitalcapabilitiesexceeda digitalbroadcast


signal,thesignalis up-converted(increased)to matchyourTV'sdisplay



You switchto a different TheTV remembersthevolumelevelfromthelasttimeyouadjustedit. If input and the volume thesoundlevelis higheror lowerfromanothersource,thentheloudness


Tips for High-DefinitionTheLCDHDTVisanidealplatformforviewingHighDefinitionContent.


BestImageQualitywillbe achievedby theHDMIInput,thenYPbPr,then





However,due to variancesin broadcastpractices,it is possiblesome




& Technica


Products are often returned due to a technical problem rather than a defective product that may result in unnecessary shipping charges billed to you. Our trained support personnel can often resolve the problem over the phone. For more information on warranty service or repair, after the warranty period, please contact our Support Department at the number below.

Customer support and quality service are integral parts of VlZlO's commitment to service excellence. For technical assistance contact our VlZIO Technical Support Department via email or phone.

Email: techsupport@vizio,,com

Tel: (877) 698-4946 Fax: (949) 585-9563

Hours of operation: Monday - Friday: 6 am to 9 pm

Saturday - Sunday: 8 am to 4 pm

Please have your VlZIO model number, serial number, and date of purchase available before you call.



39 Tesla

Irvine, CA 92618, USA

Telephone: (949) 428-2525 Fax: (949) 585-9514

Web: wwwovizioocom

Version 5/26/2009


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Contents Srs Important Safety instructions Page Installation FO¢ BulJ÷tin for New TV Owners VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManualVlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Opening the PacAa@÷ Package ContentsTV Setup and Stand Assembly Mns&al a&ion Pr÷para&ion To r÷mov÷ the stand VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManualPreparing your LC# Hdtv for Wall Mounting Contents Side Pan÷I Controls Cha@t÷rRGB PC/PC Rear and Bid÷ Panel ConnectionsUSB Univ÷rsal Remote Contro Ng a ¢abe or Satete clot÷ Remote Control RangeMns÷rtin 9 the r÷mot÷ control batteries @hap&÷r 2 ¢onn÷c&ing Equipm÷n Conn÷cting Your CabI÷ or Sat÷lJit÷ Box VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Hdtv VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Using ¢ompon÷nt VideoVlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Oonn÷cting OoaxiaJ RF VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual ¢onn÷ctng Your DVD a÷r For DVD Pay÷rs th Dr Using ¢ompon÷nt Video VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Usin@ 8oVid÷o AV VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Using Composite AV Video USB HD Speakers Conn÷ctin@ a PC Computer Pr÷se& PC R÷solu&ion Basic LCD Hdtv Start Up Setting Up to WatchPage ÷I÷cting nput÷ Setting the Picture to Users Pr@ f@r@nc@sDisplaying the Information Guid÷ Banner VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Using the Mnfo Guid÷Watching a TV Program Using the On-ScreenDisplay O$#VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Using the Navigation Wh÷÷i Unique TV Features VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Adj u÷tin@ Settings VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Rdustinq Channels settinqs VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Adjusting &he Pic&ur÷ Adjusting th÷ Rctur÷ $÷ttings VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual AdjustingtheAudioSettings Page Page VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Page Adjusting the S÷ttin@÷ PIP Pcgur÷onoPcgur÷ Understanding Viewing Modes Normal ModeTroubleshootingGuide Soyoucanseeinterferenceanddeficienciesyoudidnotknowyouhad AppearTeJephon÷ Technica Support CapabilitiesUp.-convertingcancausenoiseortrashImagedistortionscanoccur Japan ElectricApplianceControlAct Canada CSA Germany VDESp÷cificationsfor VT42OM Forma IonChapter Misc÷ilaneous Sp÷@ifi@a&ions for VT47OM VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Glo÷sary 8&andard D÷fini&ions Limited Product Warranty Vjzio R÷turn PoJicy Warranty Replacement Procedure MTS RGB VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Version5/26/200963