Vizio VT470M user manual Warranty Replacement Procedure

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On-siterepairserviceis requestedthroughVlZlO'sthird-partyserviceproviderAfterVlZlOprovidesthe. customerwiththeon-siterepair(OSR)authorizationnumber,thethird-partyserviceproviderwillcontact thecustomerandwillscheduletherepairat thecustomer'slocationThetotalapproximatetimefor. the repairprocess,whichincludestherepairdiagnosis,dispatchingthetechnician,shippingthereplacement part(s),and arrangingthe appointmentwith the customer,is completedwithinapproximately3 to 5 businessdays,pendingavailabilityofthesefactors.

If it isdeterminedtheproductcannotberepairedon-site,thecustomerwillbe requiredto shiptheunitto VlZlO'sservicecenter,perthebelowwarrantyreplacementprocedure.

VlZIOis notresponsiblefor thede-installationor re-installationof theproductHowever,somestandard. installationmaybeperformedduringtheon-siterepair,atVlZlO'soptionandsolediscretionPleaseread. VlZlO'sLimitedProductWarrantyforwarrantytermsandconditions.

Warranty Replacement Procedure

Warranty Replacement generally is performed on displays which are determined to be economically unrepairable.

If VlZlO Technical Support determines that a problem with a display unit may be within the terms and conditions of the VlZIO Limited Product Warranty and that a repair is not economically possible, based on certain manufacturing defects in materials and/or workmanship, and/or at VlZlO's option and sole discretion, the customer will be provided with a return authorization number and replacement instructions. Proof of purchase is required to confirm the product is within the one-year limited warranty period and meets the terms and conditions of the VlZIO Limited Product Warranty.

For displays forty-two inches (42") and larger, VlZIO will generally cover the transportation charges to perform an on-site swap of the original unit with the replacement unit. For displays under forty-two inches (42"), the customer is responsible for the transportation charges to VlZlO's service center. VlZIO will be responsible for the return transportation charges from the service center to the customer. Please read VlZlO's Limited Product Warranty for warranty terms and conditions.

Mail-In Warranty Repair Procedure

Mail-In Warranty Repair generally is performed on displays which are smaller than 30 inches.

If VlZlO Technical Support determines that a problem with a display unit may be within the terms and conditions of the VlZIO Limited Product Warranty and that a mail-in repair may be performed, the

customer will be provided with a return authorization number and mail-in repair instructions. Proof of purchase is required to confirm the product is within the one-year limited warranty period and meets the terms and conditions of the VlZIO Limited Product Warranty.

The customer will be provided with instructions for packing and shipping the unit to the VlZIO service center. The original carton box and packing material, or an equivalent as designated by VlZIO, must be utilized. The cost of shipping to VlZlO's service center is at the customer's expense. After the product is repaired and tested, the VlZIO service center will ship the unit back to the customer at VlZlO's expense.

VlZIO is not responsible for the de-installation or re-installation of the product. Please read VlZlO's Limited Product Warranty for warranty terms and conditions.



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Contents Srs Important Safety instructions Page Installation VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual FO¢ BulJ÷tin for New TV OwnersPackage Contents VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Opening the PacAa@÷TV Setup and Stand Assembly Mns&al a&ion Pr÷para&ion VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Preparing your LC# Hdtv for Wall MountingTo r÷mov÷ the stand Contents Cha@t÷r Side Pan÷I ControlsRear and Bid÷ Panel Connections RGB PC/PCUSB Univ÷rsal Remote Contro Remote Control Range Mns÷rtin 9 the r÷mot÷ control batteriesNg a ¢abe or Satete clot÷ @hap&÷r 2 ¢onn÷c&ing Equipm÷n Conn÷cting Your CabI÷ or Sat÷lJit÷ Box VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Using ¢ompon÷nt Video HdtvVlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Oonn÷cting OoaxiaJ RF VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual ¢onn÷ctng Your DVD a÷r For DVD Pay÷rs th Dr Using ¢ompon÷nt Video VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Usin@ 8oVid÷o AV VlZlOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Using Composite AV Video USB HD Speakers Conn÷ctin@ a PC Computer Pr÷se& PC R÷solu&ion Setting Up to Watch Basic LCD Hdtv Start UpPage Setting the Picture to Users Pr@ f@r@nc@s ÷I÷cting nput÷VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Using the Mnfo Guid÷ Displaying the Information Guid÷ BannerUsing the On-ScreenDisplay O$# Watching a TV ProgramVlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Using the Navigation Wh÷÷i Unique TV Features VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Adj u÷tin@ Settings VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Rdustinq Channels settinqs VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Adjusting &he Pic&ur÷ Adjusting th÷ Rctur÷ $÷ttings VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual AdjustingtheAudioSettings Page Page VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Page Adjusting the S÷ttin@÷ PIP Pcgur÷onoPcgur÷ Normal Mode Understanding Viewing ModesTroubleshootingGuide Appear SoyoucanseeinterferenceanddeficienciesyoudidnotknowyouhadCapabilitiesUp.-convertingcancausenoiseortrash ImagedistortionscanoccurTeJephon÷ Technica Support Canada CSA Germany VDE Japan ElectricApplianceControlActForma Ion Chapter Misc÷ilaneousSp÷cificationsfor VT42OM Sp÷@ifi@a&ions for VT47OM VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Glo÷sary 8&andard D÷fini&ions Limited Product Warranty Vjzio R÷turn PoJicy Warranty Replacement Procedure MTS RGB VlZIOVT420M/VT470MUserManual Version5/26/200963