Toshiba SD-V394SU owner manual Setting the language

Page 23

Setting the language



You can choose from three different languages (English,


French and Spanish) for the on-screen display.


SET +/–

Setting the language


Turn ON the TV and select to the corresponding video input.

Press VCR DVD selector to select the VCR mode. (The VCR mode indicator will light.)

1 Press VCR MENU.

The VCR menu screen will appear. Press SET + or to select “SYSTEM SETUP”, then press ENTER.

If you use the unit for the first time, press VCR MENU￿￿￿￿, instead of the “SYSTEM SETUP”￿￿menu￿￿￿￿￿￿screen￿￿￿￿￿of the main menu screen in step 2 may appear. ￿￿

4 Press VCR MENU until the MENU screen is cleared.


Both the VCR and the DVD have their own player menus ￿￿.

If no buttons are pressed for more than 60 seconds, the VCR MENU screen will return to normal TV-operation automatically.

Basic setup (VCR)


2 Press SET + or – to select￿￿￿￿“LANGUAGE”,￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿then press ENTER. ￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿


3 Press SET + or – to select￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿the desired language: English (ENGLISH), Spanish￿￿￿￿￿￿￿(ESPAÑOL) or

French (FRANCAIS), then press ENTER.





1/12/06, 17:05

Image 23
Contents Toshiba Corporation SD-V394SULocation of the required Marking IntroductionIntroduction S3125AS2898A NEC SectionDisc HeatMoisture condensation occurs during the following cases PrecautionsDo not use the DVD/VCR when moisture condensation may occur WaitOn storing discs On handling discs Structure of disc contentsOn cleaning discs DVD On Video CDsPlayable discs Contents Rear panel Identification of controlsFront panel While watching TV While operating a tape Display windowVCR operation status Disc operation statusDVD Menu button Remote controlOperation Inserting batteriesDVD/VCR Antenna connectionsAntenna to DVD/VCR connection ConnectionsDVD/VCR to TV connection Connections Set the TV/CABLE menu option to TV modeTo the TV mode Set the TV/CABLE menu option to TV modeConverter/Descrambler Cable TV connectionsConverter DescramblerSplitter Converter/Descrambler Splitter Incoming Cable Converter/Descrambler SwitchConnections Allows Prevents Basic connection Connecting to a TVConnections Connecting to an amplifier equipped with a DTS decoder Connecting to optional audio equipmentRecording system Use DVD video discsEncoded via the MPEG2 When a TV is connected with the 75 ohm coaxial cable only Setting the video channelSetting the video channel Basic setup VCRSetting the language Setting the languageTo set Auto Clock to off Clock settingAuto Clock adjustment GMT Greenwich Mean Time To set Standard TimeEnter Manual clock settingExample Setting the clock to 830 AM March, 25 SAT Press SET + or to set the month, then pressVCR Tuner settingSetting channels automatically TV/CABLE selectionTo delete channels To ADD/DELETE channelsNoise elimination Press Enter until ADD appears on the screenTo prevent accidental erasure Loading and unloading a cassette tapeLoading UnloadingRewind or forward the tape Cassette tape playbackPlayback Special playback Repeat playback Zero return function Convenience functionClock Clock/counter display Video index search systemSqpb S-VHS Quasi Playback CounterVHF/UHF/CABLE TV Channels Cable TV Recording a TV programRecording a TV program Recording VCRRecording one program while watching another To stop recordingTo stop recording temporarily Set TV or Cable option to One-touch Timer Recording OTROne-touch Timer Recording OTR To cancel OTRPress SET + or to select one of the program Timer recordingTimer recording Press Cancel to move cursor backward for correctionIf the programs overlap another To confirm or cancel a programTo confirm Timer program To cancel Timer programThen press VCR Menu until Menu screen is cleared Stereo recording and playback Second Audio Program SAPOther functions VCR Output selectionConnection with second VCR Press Stop when you finish duplicatingDuplicating a video tape Duplicating a video tapeDuplicating a DVD or CD disc Press Stop when you finish recordingRecording a DVD/CD disc Basic playback DVD To start playback in the stop modePlaying a disc Vcddvd Basic playbackPlay VCD Locating a chapter or track VCD Playing in fast reverse or fast forward directionsVcddvd Playing frame by frame Vcddvd Playing in slow-motionAdvanced playback DVD Zooming/Locating desired sceneVCD Zooming VCD Locating desired sceneVcddvd Returning to the scenes Marking desired scenesDVD Marking the scenes VCD A-B Repeat playback Repeat playback/A-B Repeat playbackVcddvd Repeat playback Random playback Program playback/Random playbackProgram playback DVD DVD menu Changing angles/Title selection/DVD menuDVD Changing angles DVD Title selectionDVD Changing soundtrack language Changing soundtrack language Setting surround soundDVD Setting surround sound To turn off the PBC Press Play Mode in the stop modeSubtitles/To turn off the PBC DVD SubtitlesLimitations on display MP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX and Audio CD operationMP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX CD information Limitations on MP3/WMA/JPEG/DivX CD playbackScreen Press To select file CD MP3/WMA CD and Audio CD playbackPress Stop to end playback File browser screen will appear onCD Slide show playback CD Jpeg CD playbackPlaybackDVD CD DivX CD playback CD Playing DivX VOD contentPAUSE/STEP Press C/D to select file3Press Play Repeat and program playback using file browserMode during stop mode CD Repeat playback CD CD Random playback CDProgram View Browser View CD Program playback CDReturn Customizing the function settingsVCD Setting procedure Function setup DVDSetting details Off Subtitle Menu, Subtitle, AudioEnglish, Francais, Espanol Original AudioOff Picture ModeDisplay Jpeg IntervalQSound Parental control settingSet the new password DRCProgressive If you forget the passwordOutput InterlaceTemporary disabling of rating level by DVD disc Others Language code listSymptoms Solutions TroubleshootingInput/Output SpecificationsSupplied accessories GeneralCommercial Units Limited warrantyLimited Ninety 90 Day Warranty Rental UnitsOthers How to Obtain Warranty ServicesMemo Others J2I30101B SH 06/02 N