navigating the setup menu
The following describes each option found in the Display Setup Menu.
❶TV Aspect
Depending on a type of television you have, you may want to adjust the screen setting (aspect ratio).
-4:3 Letter Box : Select when you want to see the total 16:9 ratio screen DVD supplies, even though you have a TV with a 4:3 ratio screen. Black bars will appear at the top and bottom of the screen.
-4:3 Pan&Scan : Select this for conventional size TVs when you want to see the central portion of the 16:9 screen. (Extreme left and right side of movie picture will be cut off.)
-16:9 Wide : You can view the full 16:9 picture on your wide screen TV.
| TV Aspect | 4:3 Letter Box |
| Screen Message | |
| 4:3 Pan&Scan | |
| Black Level | √ 16:9 Wide |
| Video Output | : |
TV Aspect | : 16:9 Wide |
Screen Messages | : On |
Black Level | : Off |
Video Output | √ |
| |
•Consult your TV User’s Manual to find out if your TV supports Progressive Scan. If Progressive Scan is supported, follow the TV User’s Manual regarding Progressive Scan settings in the TV’s menu system.
•If Video Output is set incorrectly, the screen may be blocked.
❷Screen Messages
Use to turn
❸Black Level
Adjust the brightness of the screen. (On or Off) It does not function in Progressive mode.
❹Video Output Select Video Output.
•If the Yes/No selection in the Display Setup sub Menu is not made within 10 seconds, the screen returns to the previous menu.
48_Navigating the Setup Menu