Samsung Televisions manual Economic Implications, Energy Cost Savings

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MEPS − Televisions

April 2005

9 Economic Implications

9.1Energy Cost Savings

The key driver for introducing a MEPS regime is the achievement of savings in the cost of energy used in TVs, both the on and standby modes.

In arriving at a set of figures to carry out the economic analysis a number of assumptions were necessary:

The first and most basic assumption is the number of TVs, and how that will change over time. Rather than a compounding percentage increase it is likely that the growth of TV numbers will follow a logistical growth or S-curve with saturation effects. The degree to which this applies depends on a number of factors, but a key one is the population growth of New Zealand. Statistics New Zealand predict that with their mid-range Series 5 projection, the population which is currently 4.08 million will reach - and peak - at 5 million by 2041. This assumes, amongst other factors, a net migration gain of 10,000 per year.

The numbers of new TVs currently sold is 318,847 annually an increase of 25% on the previous year. This degree of increase is unsustainable in the long term, and for the purposes of this analysis the rate of increase was reduced each year by a factor proportional to the inverse of the population increase to the power of five. This gives a reasonable approximation to an S-curve effect. All new TVs are assumed to be used as the principal TV in a household, with 20% of principal TVs being retired to second and subsequent TV status.

The number of TVs disposed of - or becoming unused - was assumed to be 10% of the stock of second and subsequent TVs. At this rate, the number of disposed TVs is always less than the number of new TVs, allowing for a build-up of numbers.

Average annual energy use per TV now is 152 kWh. This is based on the figures in 4.1 - average TV power for the set mix at present of 80w, and on-use of 4 hours/day with 20 hours standby giving 440Wh for the first or principal TV, for 344 days a year. The second and subsequent TVs are assumed to use 50% of the energy of the principal TV due to reduced on-mode periods, or 220Wh.

Business as usual (BAU) will produce a natural reduction in energy usage for TVs of 2% per year14 (Fig 6.1) from so-called autonomous - natural design improvement savings - by manufacturers.

Autonomous savings, and moves towards more energy efficient LCD slimline TVs may however also be offset by moves of consumers to larger plasma slimline TVs, or those with more features such as IRD, at the expense of medium size TVs. Thus at this stage it is probably wise to assume no net efficiency improvements in the overall new TV stock.

14Huenges Wajer B.P.F., Siderius P.J.S., Analysis of Energy Consumption and Efficiency Potential for TVs in on-mode, EC report November 1998

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A study produced for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority by

Wise Analysis Ltd

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Contents Meps − Televisions Preface Televisions Contents List of Figures Recommended Policy Options for New ZealandGlossary Executive Summary Meps − Televisions Introduction Principal exports General comparison between New Zealand and Australia AreaPopulation Per capita GDPTelevision Receiver Types AnalogueStandard-Definition TV Sdtv High Definition TV HdtvIi Plasma Screens and TVs Standard Cathode Ray Tube CRTSlimline televisions Liquid Crystal Display LCDAll Television Types Iii Rear ProjectionIv Set top boxes TV FormatsSource Statistics New Zealand, Household Economic Survey TVs Data 2000 %Wide-screen Televisions New Zealand annual TV market based on type Units178,603 242,474 290,499 Household Energy Consumption Summary − TV demographics494,500 785,600 322 TVs 440Wh/dayBest practice for LCD TVs In-use consumption Watts Standby Trends in TV Power ConsumptionStandard CRT Televisions LCD TelevisionsIn-use W 12 23 17 15 Average Set Top Box Power Levels Type Standby WTechnology Scope for Energy Efficiency Set top boxesVoluntary Programs Mandatory Programs Summary − International Standards and Programs Energy Cost Savings TVs − Savings in CO2 Emissions − BAU and Meps Greenhouse Gas Reduction PotentialPolicy and Program Approaches to Improve Energy Efficiency Minimum Energy Performance Standards Meps Costs of Meps General Policy Recommendations Consultation Summary − Recommended Policy Options for New ZealandImplementation Program Managing Director Gerry CoatesIndustry Bodies Importers/ManufacturersGovernment Agencies