Samsung Series 550, Series 5 550 user manual Regulatory Compliance Statements

Page 28





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As ranhuras ce ,Jbl'rturnsabt'nuf<1sna caixa eo na parte:parle: puste:rior ouOll inl~riorinlcrior pcrmilcmpCflnilcm ita \·cn[ilicntilaC;;,iocntilac;;,io.l~·ao ncce:ssarianeccss,iria. Para garantir 0 rllncioll<lIlH:l'uncionaIlH:ntororreclu.'ntocorrecto do apardhoap~lrl'lh{l e para 0 proteger do sobreaqllt:cimento,sobreaquecimenlO, nuncanllnca devede"c bl0411~arbloqucar llUOll taparlapar estascstas ranhurasrilnhuras ('e ahcrtllrasaocnuras.

~aoN,io tapt'tape as riI'ilnhllrase. abcrturasalxnuras comCUIll panuspanos Ollou milrosuutros material1lalcriais.

:\aoN~o bloqueicbloqucie as ranhurasranhllras e abenurasaberturas colocandoeolocando 0 aparelhoaparclho nUlllanUl1la camacall1;,1. sol~isof~l. tapclt'tap(,l~ ouOll outra supcrficiL'scmclhantesupcrlh:ic sClllclhantc.

-Nao eoloquecoloque estccste aparclhoapardho nUIllIllUll espal;o Ihhadolechado,. COIIIOCOIllO ulllauma estalltcestanlc ouOll llllllIlll arm<'lrioarmt"lrio c'lllbutil~mblilitl()..lo.a menosrnenos que lcnh"tenh;"l v('lltikt\:ioVl'lllila~;10 adequadaadcquada.

-Instale 0 produto. mantcndotendo a distanciadist;:incia datla pareticpan:l.Ic: {collsuh~(collsuhc as inl'ormar;ihil\lorll1a~oi..'s..'sabaixuabaixtl.})

'"Telc"isoresTelevisores DLP. TelevisoresTclevisores do Tipo Direct Vic\\ c ProjL'ClonProjectores..'s- 10() em *'"Produtos eOIllCOIll visort'svisores de 32 polegadas ou maioresmaiort's-.5 (Illcm

'"Qutros !>rodlltOSprodutos - 4 elllcm

NiioNao eoloquecoIoque estc aparelhoaparclho peno ou por cima de lllllum r;ldiadorracliador. sistlsistema..'lIlade'aqllccillll'llIoaquL'l:illlL'll1oou nUI1lIlllll} locall..'111em queqUl..'t:~steja.'stt:.'jaexpostoexposlO ,'\<"I ineidendaincidencia directa dos raiasraios solares.

Nao coloque rccipicl1tesrecipicnlcs com itgllaagua emelll cilllacima do apan,,'lhoaparelho (jarras l'U:etl:.).).porqut'podcporqll~ pude provocar lllll incclldioirKcndio Ollou ChOqUl'choque e1cctricoelectrico.

NaoN~o exponhacxponha 0 aparelho achuva nem coloquecoloquc cmCIll locais pertopeno de :Igllaagua (perto de uma banheira. lavaloriol:t"morio,. lavalllvafiloi~a-loi\<L.tubo da maqllillam::iqull1a ded~ lavar a loil;aloi~a. piseinapiscina ou nlllllallUllla cave com humidadc). Se IlloillarIllolhar a<acidentallllellie.:idcliialmentc 0 aparelho. desligucd~sligue-o da fichalich~l ce contacleeOl1laCIC dt'imcdiatode imedialO 0

rc:vcndcdorrevcndedor <lutorizadoautorizado. Retire scmpre 0 cabo dcde alimcnta~noalil1lenta~ao di!da 10lllada10m antes de limpar 0 prodlltoproduto.

Este apnrclhoaparclho temtcm pilhas. DeileDeite fora as pilhas adcquadamellleadequadamcllIc de aeordoacordo COIllcom as consideral;oe:sconsidera~ocs <lmbit'lltaist'xistt'ntcsambienlais cxislcntes no scusell pais. ConwetcContacte as allioridadcsautoridades locaisloeais para ohlerobler informJl;oC'sinronna~oes sabresobre a destruil;aodestrlli~ao ou reciclagemrcciclagem de pllhaspilhas.

Nao sobrccarregllcsobrccarrcgll~ tomadaslomadas d~dc parede.. extcns6esextensoes ncmnem rcccplaculosreceptaculos. porqueporquc pode provocar umlim inccndioincendio ou choquel.'hoque'e1ic1~ctrico- ..

DeveDcve colocar os cHbascabos de alimcniacaaalimentac;ao de forma10rlna a 11aOnao seremscrl'l1lpisados nClllnem cntaladosental por objectos,os, tendo em especial atell\aontt'n~:10 os cabos ligados a tidwsfichas. a rcccptaculosreccptitculos e ao ponto de onde os cabos saelllS<lCI11 do aparclhoaparelho.

Para proteger 0 aparelho de trovoadas,. ouau quundoquando naon:io forlor utilizalltiliza-Io durante longoslon£oos periodos de tempo,. desligue 0 aparelho~lpardho da tol11adatamada de paredcparcde e desligllcdcsligue a antenaatHena ou 0 sistema de televisao por cabo.

Oeste modo, 0 aparclhoaparelho nao sofre evcnlllaiseventuais danos provocados por raios e deseargas em eaboscabos de alta lensaotcnsuo.

Antes de ligar 0 cabo de alimcillaltaoalilllenta~ao de CA atom ada do transfonnadortransformador de CC'.eenifiqueccnifique-se dedt: que a desigml~;:iodesignal;ao de tensaot~nsao do IranSrOnlladortranSf0n11ador de CC correspondeeorresponde aalimentaltaoalimenta\ao clectricaelcctriea local.

NlincaNunea introduza objectos Illctalicosmctalieos nas abcrlurasaberturas do aparclhoaparelho. Se 0 tizcr,lizcr. podeI..' provoearprovocm choques electricos,elt~ctricos.

Para cvilarevitar choqlleschoques electricos, nUlleanunca toque no interior do aparelho. A caixa do aparelho s6 dcvedeve scrser abertaabena porpOl'tecnicostecnieos qualificCldosqllalificados.

Introduza 0 cabo de alimentayaoalimentavao compJetamentccompletamcllte ate ao IilimIll. Quando rctirar 0 cabo de alimentaciio,alimcntaciio. ccrtiliquecertilique--sc:se dedl..'que 0a segura pelClpel<- ficha quando pllxar a mesma da tomada. Nao toque no cabo de al imentacao comCOI11 as maos Illolhadasmolhadas.

Sc5c 0 aparelho nao funcionarfUllcionar normalmente -fiem particular,. se 0a aparelho emitir ruidosmidas ou cheiroschciros invulgaresinvulgarcs - desligllcdesliguc 0 aparelho de imediato e contactecontaetc 0a rcvendedor autorizadoaUlOrizado ou cenlro de assistcnciaassistencla tcenicatccnica.

CertifiqucCertifique-se de que retrei ira a ficha de alimenta\aoalimenta~ao da lomadatomada se 0 aparelho de televisaotclevisao nao for utilizado ou se 0 1I1ilizadorulilizadar nao cstiver em casa durante umUlll periodo de tempo longo (especialmeme(especialmemc quando crianl;ascrial1~as. idosos ou pessoas com delicienciasdelicicncias forem deix:ldasdeixadas sozinhas em casa).

-PoeiraPoeim aeumliladaacumulada pode provocar um choquechoquc electrico,clcctrico. umalima fuga electricaeleetrica ou um incendio. fazcndofazendo COIllcom que 0 lio de alimentacaoalimcllta~ao prodllzaproduza faiscasfaiseas ce aqlle~aaque~a ou deterioredeleriore 0 isolamentoisalamemo.

Contactc urnlun centro autorizado de assisteneiaassistcncia tccnicaIecnica quando instalar 0a prOOuloprodulo em locais sujeitos a poeiraspociras exccssivasexcessivas. locaisloeais sujeitos a temperaturas altas ouOll baixas. locais com mllitamuita humidadchumidade,. locais onde se utilizem substfmciassubstancias quimicasquimieas ce locais unonde 0 monitormonilor esteja a funcionar 24 horas por dia COIllOcomo em aeroponos,aeroportos. est3l;oesestacoes de comboio,. etcctc. Sc nao 0 fizer,. jJOdejJode provocar serios danos no produto,.

Utilize umalima ficha e uma IOmadatomada devidamente ligadas aterra.

-Uma Iiga~aoliga~ao dcde terra deficientcdeficicllte pode causar choquecheque electricoelcctrico ou danos nonO equipamentoeqllipamento. (So(56 equipamcnlo de c1assec1assc I.)

Deve puxar a fichalicha da tomada para desligar 0 aparelho da correnlecorrente. dcde formafanna a deixar a fiehaficha pronta a SCI'ser utilizada.

Nao deixe as eriancascriancas mexerl11exer no produto.

GuardeGuardc os acess6riosacessorios (batcria, etcele.) num local seguro fora do a1canccaleanee das eriancascriancas.

NiioNao instalcinstale 0 produto num local instavel, como umaLuna prateleira inclinadaindinada. um chao desnivclado ou umUJll local cxposto.xposto;:iavibral;aovibracii. .

NiloNao deixe eaircair Ollou pravoqueprovoquc qualqllerqualquer embate no produlo. Se 0 produtoprodulO cstiverestiver danilicado. desligllcdesligue a0 cabo de alimentacaoalilllcnta~;10 c contactetontaete limum centro de assistencia.

DesligueDcsliguc 0a cabo de Cllilllenta~aoalilllenta~ao da tom ada e utilize lIllllllll pano sccoseco Ce nuciomado para limpar 0 produtopraduto. NaoNilo utilize quaisqucrquaisquer produtos quimicos como cera, benzina, aleool,alcool, dilucntes,. inseeticidainsccticida. ambiciltadorambicntadar,.lubrificantelubrifieante auou detergente. Tal pode danificar 0 aspcctoaspecto do produto ou eliminarcliminar a impressao do mesmo.

Niioao deixe cair gotasgotilS auOll salpicos em cima do aparelho,.

• Nao destrlladeslrua as pilhas atraves de fogo.


• Nao provoque curtoeurto-cireuito,circuito, nem desfac;adesfa~a ou sobrcaquc~a as pilhas.

• ExisteExistc perigo de explosao se a pilha forror substituida incorreclamenteincorrectamclllc. SubstituaSlIbstitua-a apenas pclopelo meslllomesilla lipotipo de pilha ouOll por

umaLima equivalenteequivalcntc.








- Portugues-

Regulatory Compliance Statements

Your SamsOngproductSamsurig produ~ compliance classJsis marked in thetile user mantial;a~~al.

~.' ~ ---~ ------

- I:l'lk:ralCllllllllLlIli(<IlionsFL'deral C'tlllll1luniL'<llioIlS COllllllissi(lIl('I)Il1111issitlll (reel(F('C')·lJSJ\-USA

-Industry Canild"Call,llla l~qlliprnll~qllipll1L'lll.:lll Standard I'mlill·l)igiWIIDigit;d Equipnh-.quipllll'nt..'lIt(ICI':S(ItTS-()(),1)-()o,1)- Clll<llClIW{\;1.h1

-VoluntaryVolulltary Control COUIK'ilIlll'IntlIi.)l' lnlt:rfert:llcc.:rlerl.:llCl'(veCI)(VCCI) - .lap:l11Iapan

-Burl'auOfSlalHofSlandards..hlru::.; MetrologyM~{rology amIand In::lnspcl:tion.;pt:dion (135MI)·(85MI) - Taiwan

-fi Kor~aKorl'(1COllllllunications Commission (KCC) .- RepuhlicRt:puhlic ofor KurcaKurea

- ItaliallIlalian PostPOSI MinislryMinistry (Homologalion)·(Homolog<1lion) - Italy

FCC Class A Notice

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

1.This device may not cause harmful interference,. and

2.This device must accept any interference received. including interference that may cause undesired operation.. NOTE:

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,. pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,. uses,. and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.

Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.

FCC Class B Notice

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:

1.This device may not cause harmful interference. and

2.This device must accept any interference received,. inclUding interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE:

This equipment has been tested and found to compiycomply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,. if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception. which can be determined by turning the equipment onoff and on. the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followingfollOWing measures:

--.Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.

--.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

--.Consult the dealer or an experienced radiolTV technician for help.

User Information

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user'sauthority to

operate the equipment. If necessary,. consult with your dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additiona

suggestions. You may find the booklet called How to Identify and Resolve RadiofTVRadio/TV Interference Problems helpful.

This booklet was prepared by the Federal Communications Commission. It is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, DC 20402, Stock Number 004-000-00345-4.

The party responsible 1'0'for- product compliance:


America QA Lab of Samsung

3351 Michelson Drive

Suite #290,. Irvine, CA92612 USA


User must use shielded signal interface cables to maintain FCC compliance for the product.

Provided with this monitor is a detachable power supply cord with IEC320 style terminations.

It may be suitable for connection to any UL Listed personal computer with similar configuration.

Before making the connection,. make sure the voltage rating of the computer convenience outlet is the same as the monitor and that the ampere rating of the computer convenience outlet is equal or exceeds the monitor voltage rating.

For 120 Volt applications, use only UL Listed detachable power cord with NEMA configuration 5-15P type (parallel blades) plug cap. For 240 Volt applications use only UL Listed detachable power supply cord with NEMA configuration 6-15P type (tandem blades) plug cap.

This television receiver provides display of television closed captioning in accordance with Section 15.119 of the FCC rules.

(TV broadcast receivers with picture screens 13 inches or larger in diameter models only)

- 5-

Image 28
Contents LCD TV For more information about how to use e-Manual P Securing the Installation SpaceStill image warning Remote control sensor Standby modeOwn,f3r~.lnstructionS·i Input Cables Sold SeparatelyInstalling the TV Stand @ ~X4M4XL16Installing the Wall Mount Avoid using when near fluorescent lights or neon signs Use the remote control within 23 feet from the TVColor and shape may vary depending on the model How to Navigate Menus Connecting to an Antenna or Cable ConnectionHow to Operate the OSD On Screen Display Picture, Sound, Channel, Network, System, SupportMode Enjoy your TVConnecting to an AV Device ·m-~-il ~Connecting to an Audio Device Connecting to a PCUsing an Hdmi cable or Homi to DVI Cable / a D-sub Cable ~ Your PC may not support an Hdmi connectionChanging the Input Source Source List Network Connection EntergConfiguring the Network Connection Wired Network Connection WiredManuaL How to view the e-Manual English ·14Viewing the Contents Using the Zoom mode I21 NoteSrs@ Securing the TV to the Wall ScrewSpecifications Storage and MaintenanceProduct may cause a Dimensions ~~~Contact Samsung Worldwide Service 55 Standish Court Mississauga, Ontario L5RSamsung Electronics America, Inc Challenger JC~ Stand depending on the modelBN68-03384A-02 Reboot the TV and external device Run Diagnostic TestsUpgrade Confirm that all the connections are correctEffectuez les essais de diagnostic Assurez-vous que tous les branchements sont bien faitsAssurez-vous que la bonne source video est utilisee Redemarrez Ie televiseur et IappareilexternePage From this Product AT ALL Times English~=-= --=--=-=-~~~~ Cualquier cualqukr piCZ1rieZ1 interior de estceste productoRegulatory Compliance Statements IIImIII ICES-003 Class a Notice Avis NM8-003, Classe aAA68-03242L-07 Samsung Brand Products 11111111111111111111111I1