Warning and Cautions
1.W hen you clean the TV set,please pulloutthe powerplug from AC outlet. Don’t clean the cabinet and the screen with benzene,petroland other chem icals.
4.Do notplace the TV setnearrain or m oisture as itm ay cause an electric shock,orthe TV setto catch fire.The TV setm ustonly
be used in dryin door locations.
2.In orderto prolong the using life of 5. The back cover m ust only be the TV set, please place it in a well rem oved by a registered electrical
ventilated location. | service person. Rem oving the back |
| coverm ay resultin electric shock,fire |
| ordam age to |
| the TV set. |
3.Don’tplace the TV set in direct sunlightor near a heatsource.
6.Ifthe TV setis notgoing to be used for a long tim e, or there is a severe thunder & Lighting storm , it is recom m ended that the TV set be disconnected from the AC poweroutlet and the aerialplug rem oved.
Explanation on the display tube
Should the picture tube require cleaning,disconnectthe powerand use a dry soft cotton cloth.Do notuse any cleanserorabrasive cloths.