Haier 34F5D, 29F5D Ulti-M edia Player, To selectstream m edia broadcastsystem, To play picture

Page 35

Multi-Media Player System (Continued)

M ulti-M edia Player

To selectstream m edia broadcastsystem

1.Press the or button to select"card"or"U SB".(The device be inserted and identified).

2.Press the button to enterselected option.

To play picture

AAA M ultim edia Player



File copy


Remove USB

Press EN TER key to play this devices




1.Press the or button to



selectPicture item .


AAA M ultim edia Player




P icture

2.Press the

button to enter


M ovie

the m enu ofplay.


M usic


M usic and PIC








The m enu displaying is different



forthe files in yourinputdevices.



3.Press the or

button to


AAA M ultim edia Player



selectthe desired picture,and


F-007 .JPG

then press the

button to enter



F-008 .JPG

the play m enu.





F-009 .JPG




F-010 .JPG

4.O n the m enu ofplay,press the


F-011 .JPG


F-012 .JPG

or button to selectthe speed




ofplay.(N orm al,slow or fast).










5. Afterdisappearthe m enu play, 0016.JP G


press the or

button to sw ap

S lideshow speed standard IM A G E

the picture ofnextand previous.



Press C AL./EXIT button to return.


To enjoy the picture detail

1.Afterselecting the picture to play,press the ZO O M button to selectdesired scale.

2.Press the C ALL/H ELP button to exitthe display,and then press the or , or button to m ove and enjoy the picture detail.

To m ake the picture overturn

Press the button to m ake overturn 900 w ith rightonce. Press the button to resum e the program playing.

Image 35
Contents O wner‘s M anualforthe Follow M odels Color TV ReceiverContents TV set Explanation on the display tubeVentilated location Ordam age toNeverplace batteries in a fire InstallationBattery installation Antenna connectionSide AV term inal Position of Buttons and Plug-insFront and Side panel Back panelSelecta TV channeldirectly Function Buttons of the Remote ControlUte button Screen Display Menu Utom atic stand by function Switch on/ off the TV setSwitch on/offthe TV set Powersupply forthe TV setwillbe explainedIfthe colourorsound ofa certain channelis abnorm al Watching TV ProgramsAtching TV program s Ow to selectthe TV programAuto program scan Swap function enables quick swap to the lastwatched programProgram swap and auto scan functions Program swapFtersearching C ontinued Auto searchUto search Press the CH+/-buttons to SearchSearch To sub-m enu TV signalyou needFine Tune and Program Lock functions To selectTUNE m enu,press VO L+ Button to enterM enu display Ifyou w antto recoverthe skipped channelSkip unnecessary channel Channel1Program to Exchange ProgramsPress the VO L+ button to Sub-m enu CurrentProgram toSetthe picture quality Picture AdjustingHow to selectthe picture m odes Color Temp Function Color Temp Function3A Optimize Function 3A Optimize and 3DNR FunctionsNorO ff Comb filter and Layer En./Color En. FunctionsScreen EnuSetthe sound quality Sound AdjustingHow to selectthe sound m odes Electthe sound m odes and setthe sound qualityCom pletely Qualizerand M ute functionsEqualizerfunction Press the VO L+ button to sub- m enuSetcurrenttim e Time Set Up FunctionEtcurrenttim e and O n/O ffTim e functions O ffTim e functionUnitofthe TIM ER m enu is m inute Em ind Program FunctionEm ind Program Function Screen DisplayYou m ay choose C hinese orEnglish Set Up FunctionHow to selectthe m enu Language How to startscreen saverfunctionHDM scan includes Pixel,75Hz,100Hz and 60P,etc SelectSwitch on m odeHDM Scan function Press the VO L-/+ buttons setthe desired scanHen the function is O N,the m enu display is Press the VO L-/+ buttons to adjustTiltfunction On the right Setting the LockHange yourpassw ord Hange your passw ordLock Set Setting the LockSetting the Lock Press the D irect-digitPicture Stillfunction Others FunctionsAlendar,Picture Stilland Zoom functions AlendarfunctionRepeatabove steps to set otherprogram orpresetthe program s Setting Favorite program sUsing Favorite function Setting Sleep Tim erFirst,click on Settings on the W indow s start VG a inputadjustm entVG a inputadjustm ent Setting the PC softw areJack ofcard Instructions How to useMulti-Media Player System Ulti-m edia playerpreparationSM card Jack M C card F card JackTo operate the m enu To operate the m enuTo enjoy the picture detail Ulti-M edia PlayerTo selectstream m edia broadcastsystem To play pictureButton to Selectthe desired m usic,and To enjoy m usicPress Button to Selectthe M usic option Press Button to enterPress the or button to selectthe M ovie option To play M oviePress Button to enter M enu ofplay Ote To selectthe M usic and PIC itemOrU SB Copy m enuConfirm To selectlanguageTo display the version Em oving U SB deviceTo Video input External connectionsTo Audio/Video input To VG a inputSide AV TV setwillbe explainedTo assistin location possible faults use help guide below Trouble shootingPowersupply SpecificationsDifferentspecifications ofdifferentm odels Sam e specifications ofdifferentm odels