Multi-Media Player System
M ulti-m edia playerpreparation
1.Supported equipm ent
1)Equipm ent supporting M ass Storage agreem ents include U SB, m obile hard disk, card reader,som eM P3 and digitalcam era.
2)Equipm entsupporting PTP agreem entsinclude som e digitalcam eras.
2.1 Supportingm edia:
picture,m usic,M PEG 4,M PEG 2 and M PEG 1; Supporting file form ats
*.Avi,*.D IVX,*.M PEG ,*.D AT,*.M P3,*.W H A,*.JPG and *.JPEG .D ue to particularityoffile code and fileform at,Itispossible thatsom e files m aynotbe read.
2 IfPic& M usic m odeis activated,relativem edia file form atw illinclude JPEG and M P3files. AfterPicture isselected,M P3 filessetforplayw illopen both m usic and picture files forsync play perform ance.As som e filesare read w hilem usic is beingplayed,the responseofpicture operation response m ightbe affected.
3.Before starting to operation, verify U SB storage device is of FAT32 and FAT file system form at.Atpresent,this televisiondoes notsupportN TFS and thefile system s ofotherform at. 4.M any m ovie files use suffix ofAVIand M PG .H ow ever,m any kinds ofform atare used for internalfiles.This television canonly play som eAVIand M PG files ofthisform at.Those files w ith suffixofdatarenotm ovie files,expectdata files used bycom puters,and cannotbe played form ovies.
5.Externalcard readersupports m ostdigitalcards available in the m arket.R eadable digital cards are classifiedaccording to theproperty ofcardreaders and canbe connected tom obile hard disks (w orkingvoltage 5.0V,w orking currentnotover500m A).
6.Som etim es the television operationm ay be halteddue to excessiverate ofinform ationcode errors.In such case,restartthe system .Because there are m any
7.Itis suggestedthatthe externaldevices w ith U SB2.0interface be usedto im prove velocityof inform ation reading andcontinuity ofinform ationplaying.
USB setup
1.InsertU SB in the U SB slotsatthe rightside the TV . 2.Insertitto be clicked in.
3.Press U SB button on the rem ote controllerto enter the M
CARD setup
This TV is C om patible w ith the card ofSD /M M C /C F/M S/SM form at.
How to use
1.Jack ofcard Instructions
Jack ofSM card
Jacks ofSD
M S card
Jack 1
Jack 2
Jack ofC F card
N ote
1.Please note choosesuses the digitalm em ory card w ith you corresponds the receptacle.
2.C ard readerin 1 cannotsim ultaneouslyinserttw o kind ofcards in the graphicalrepresentation position