*Foryourenjoym entofthis TV set,please read this m anualcarefully and keep itgood forfuture reference.
Before Operation |
W arning and cautions | 2 |
Installation | 3 |
Antenna connection | 3 |
Preparation forthe rem ote control | 3 |
Position ofButton and | 4 |
Frontand side panel | 4 |
Back panel | 4 |
Function button ofthe rem ote control | 5 |
The screen displaym enu | 6 |
Basic Operation |
Sw itch on/offtheTV set | 7 |
W atching TV program s | 8 |
W atching TV program | 8 |
Program sw ap and auto scan functions | 9 |
Tune | 10 |
Auto search | 10 |
Search | 11 |
Fine tune and Program lock functions | 12 |
Skip unnecessary channel | 13 |
Exchange program s | 14 |
Picture adjusting | 15 |
Selectthe picture m odes and setthe picture quality | 15 |
C olorTem p function | 16 |
3A O ptim ize and 3D N R functions | 17 |
C om b filterand LayerEn./C olorEn.Functions | 18 |
Sound adjusting | 19 |
Selectthe sound m odes and setthe sound quality | 19 |
Equalizerand m utefunctions | 20 |
Tim e setup function | 21 |
Setcurrenttim e and on/offtim e functions | 21 |
R em ind Program Function | 22 |
Setup function | 23 |
Selectthe m enu Language and Screen saverfunctions | 23 |
SelectSw itch on m ode and H D M scan function | 24 |
Tiltfunction and setting Transparency m enu | 25 |
Setting the Lock | 26 |
C hange yourpassw ord | 26 |
Setting the Lock | 27 |
O thers functions | 28 |
C alendar,picture stilland zoom functions | 28 |
Setting and U sing Favorite program s,SettingSleep Tim er | 29 |
VG A inputadjustm ent | 30 |
M | 31 |
M | 31 |
To operate the m enu | 33 |
M | 34 |
C opy file function | 38 |
Setup functions | 39 |
Technical operation |
Externalconnections | 40 |
Video/Audio outputconnection,VG A input | 40 |
Video/Audio inputconnection | 41 |
Others |
Trouble shooting | 42 |
Specifications | 43 |