turned "off" as a reminder. Single beeps will also accompany the engagement of automatic locking and starter interrupt circuit engagement. This confirmation can be from the included piezo or the vehicles’ horn.
Visual Confirmation
Flash Once | Doors have locked by using the transmitter. |
Flash Twice Then Stay On 30 Seconds | Doors have unlocked by using the transmitter. |
The parking and dome lights staying on for 30 seconds after the transmitter's use has unlocked the doors illuminates your way to the vehicle when dark and also allows inspection of the interior.
Automatic Transmitter VerificationTM
You received two remote control transmitters to operate your Remote Keyless Entry System. The system LED will flash two times every time the ignition key is turned “on”. This alert will last 90 seconds for the first 48 hours after a new installation. The alert will shorten to 10 seconds after the first 48 hours. If a new remote is coded into the system the alert will again be 90 seconds for 48 hours. This Patented feature alerts you if someone has covertly added an unauthorized transmitter to your system, and is found only in Omega Research and Development products.
turn features off. The module will acknowledge turning the Feature "on" by beeping once, or "off" by beeping twice. If 10 seconds of no programming activity expires (not pressing the LOCK or UNLOCK buttons or selecting another Feature) the system will exit the Features Programming Mode, which is indicated by sounding the piezo buzzer for a short period.
The 17 Programmable Features, their
1)Secret Override Code: Default 1 & 0 Programming Switch Press.
As explained in the "Valet Switch" section of the operations guide, only one press of the Valet Switch is required to Override the system. However, if a more secure starter interrupt circuit Override is desired, the number of Valet Switch presses may be
2)Doors Automatically Lock 90 Seconds After The Ignition Is Turned "Off": Default OFF. Activating this Feature will cause the doors to automatically lock 90 seconds after the ignition switch is turned "off".
3)Doors Automatically Relock 90 Seconds After Remotely Unlocking: Default OFF. Activating this Feature will cause the doors to automatically relock 90 seconds after the
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