BOXLIGHT 12SF manual T t i n g O j e c t o r

Page 30

S e t t i n g

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P r o j e c t o r





5Plug the power cord into the side of the projector, then plug it into your electrical outlet. A surge-protected power strip is recommended.

The LED on the top of the projector (Figure 24 on page 30) lights green.

Now you are ready to turn on the equipment and watch HDTV.

6Remove the projector’s lens cap.

7Turn on the lamp by pressing the green power button on the keypad or remote.

A tone sounds when you press the button, and the LED blinks green while the software initializes. When initializa- tion is complete, the LED lights solid green and the startup screen appears.

8Turn on your HDTV tuner.

The HDTV image should display on the projection screen. If it doesn’t, press the source button on the keypad or the video button on the remote to display your HDTV image. You can select a default source to determine which source the projector examines first during power-up for active video; see “Default Source” on page 45.

If necessary, adjust the zoom or focus of the image by turn- ing the rings around the lens. See page 27.

If you are projecting on a 4:3 screen, change the screen aspect to 4:3. See page 35.

If necessary, make adjustments to the image using the pro- jector’s on-screen menus. To open the menus, press the menu/select button on the keypad or remote, then select the Display or Image sub-menu. For more information about the menus, see page 33. If you want to return to the factory default settings, choose Reset in the Advanced menu.

If the image is not square, use the keystone buttons on the remote to adjust the image’s shape. See page 31.

If you connected the audio cables to the projector, use the volume buttons on the keypad to adjust the volume. If you connected the audio cables from your video device to your receiver, use the receiver’s volume control.


Image 30
Contents Cinema 12SF User’s Guide Page Safety Certifications FCC WarningCanada Declaration of Conformity TrademarksPage Table of Contents Maintenance & Troubleshooting AppendixIndex Safety Definitions Safety Symbols Safety TermsImportant Operating Considerations Technical SupportUnpacking the Projector Image ResolutionCompatibility Ately if anything is missingT r o d u c t i o n Front view of projector Warranty Usage GuidelinesIf You Need Assistance Setting UP the Projector T t i n g O j e c t o r Connecting the Enhanced Connectivity Module HDTV, Video 3-Component, Video Connecting a Video Device Here are the connection cables included with the projector Displaying a TV signal If your TV tuner has S-video outputVideo cable Cable Page If your TV tuner has composite video output If your TV tuner has component video outputDisplaying a DVD or VHS tape If your video device has S-video outputVideo cable Cable Page If your video device has composite video output Projecting Hdtv If your Hdtv tuner has a 15-pin VGA outputT t i n g O j e c t o r If your Hdtv tuner has a DVI or component output Connecting a camcorderProjecting a video game To play a game from a video machineTurning Off the Projector Connecting a Computer Do you want to play your computer’s audio on the projector?Displaying your Computer Source Page Turning Off the Projector Basic Image Adjustment Adjusting the ProjectorI n g O j e c t o r Using the Remote Control Using the Keypad and Remote Buttons Menu/selectSource keypad only or Data and Video remote only Forward/back buttons remote only Power buttonKeystone + Up/down/left/right arrow buttons remote onlyZoom +/- remote only Zoom modeVolume keypad only StandbyUsing the On-Screen Menus Brightness Display MenuKeystone ContrastSharpness TintColor Screen AspectVolume Audio MenuMute Image Menu for Video Sources ResizeTo get this image This sourceAspect Option Vsdfhvreodfneduvdsshdudwwkhwrsdqgerwwrpriwkh Lpdjh Input on 43 screen with Resize set to Enhanced WidescreenNativeGLVSOD\VWKHLPDJHZLWKQRUHVLLQJ VhohfwOverscan ZoomVideo Standard Image Menu for Computer Sources Resize DOORZV\RXWRVHOHFWIURPDPRQJIRXUGLIIHUHQWUHVLLQJ7XUQ$XWR,PDJHRII 7XUQ$XWRLPDJHRIIColor Management Menu Irufrpsrqhqwylghrvrxufhv7RPDQXDOO\DGMXVWWKHFRORUJDLQV 7XUQ$XWR&RORU*DLQRII Control Menu Rpsrqhqw7KLVRSWLRQOHWV\RXVHOHFWKRZORQJWKHODPSVWD\VRQDQGWKH Ceiling Project Advanced MenuRear Project Display MessagesReset WkhluruljlqdovhwwlqjvLanguage Menu Status Menu 6KRZVWKHYLGHRVWDQGDUGEHLQJGLVSOD\HGCleaning the Lens PrwlrqReplacing the Projection Lamp I n t e n a n c e Troubleshooting Surshupdqqhu SurmhfwruWxuqwkhsurmhfwruedfnrq Cleaning the Projection Lamp Filter Screens Wkhodpskrxvlqjlqwkhsurmhfwru 5HSODFHWKHODPSDQGODPSGRRUReplacing the Batteries in the Remote Control Troubleshooting LED behavior and meaningProjector is running LED Ning LED is not lit greenNing LED is lit green Lit green, but nothingDimmer Problem with the projector No soundLamp seems to be getting Lamp shuts offFor screen Image isn’t centered onImage is too wide or narrow Image is not squareProblem with a video image Image from component Source appears greenishImage appears torn Image is noisy or Problem with a computer image Screen resolution is notRight StreakedI n t e n a n c e Troubleshooting Specifications Accessories Standard Accessories ship with the projectorOptional Accessories Audio/video inputs on the Enhanced Connectivity ModuleSource Video Audio Diagonal Maximum Minimum Projected Image SizeDistance to screen Image WidthProjected image size for 43 aspect ratio P e n d i Index NumericsD e Rughulqj Uhsodflqj VWDQGE\WLPH 6WDWXVPHQX Pdqfh DuudqwvdviroorzvLimitation of Liability Boxlight