Can I record ON DEMAND programs?
ON DEMAND programs cannot be recorded by DVR. But keep in mind that you can watch ON DEMAND programs as often as you want over a specified period and start them any time you choose.
Can I record high-definition (HDTV) programs?
Not just yet, but stay tuned as this feature is coming soon!
Why did DVR record only part of a program?
If the beginning of the program is missing, you may have started recording the program after it began. For an explanation of how DVR records live TV, see page 13.
If the end of the program is missing, DVR may have reached its storage capacity or the program may have continued past its scheduled end time.
If there is a chance that the program you are recording may continue past its scheduled time, you can allow for this uncertainty by extending the stop time on the Confirm Recording screen.
To determine if DVR has reached its storage capacity, display the Recorded List screen and highlight the program in question. The Information area indicates one of the following reasons:
•User stopped recording early
•Reached storage capacity
If you determine that DVR has reached its storage capacity, you can make space by erasing recordings that you no longer want or by copying those you want to keep to a VCR tape and then erasing them from DVR. For details, see “Copy Recordings to a VCR Tape” on page 35 or “Erase a Recording” on page 37.
I watched two
It recorded the second program because it was the live program at the time that you pressed Record. DVR does buffer all programs on a channel for up to one hour. However, when you are watching live programming, DVR assumes that you want to record a specific program, not a specific channel. For that reason, DVR records only the program that’s currently being broadcast at the time you press Record.
For example, let’s say that you tune to a channel for 45 minutes and during that time watch a
Can I erase part of a recording?
No. DVR can only erase the entire recording.
Where can I get more information?
Please visit www.comcast.com, call
SA and is located in the lower left |
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| ||||
corner of the barcode. See example |
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at the right. |
| 0003B4287797 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sample serial number |
| |
SABDQXTL N0006246618 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Blocked programs or channels blocking recordings, 31 playing blocked recordings, 33 turning blocking on and off, 30 watching blocked recordings, 34
Blocking programming, 31
Browse By options, 11
Buffering, 6
Buttons, See Remote control
Cable mode
placing remote control in, 8
recordings in progress, 28 scheduled recordings, 27
channel of PIP screen, 17 channels from Program Guide, 10 Save Time of a recording, 36, 37
Channel banner, displaying, 17
Channel Change Notice screen, 25
Channels, selecting to be blocked, 31
Closed lock symbol, 30
Confirm Recording screen, 22
Copying recordings to VCR tape, 35
Current recordings, displaying, 26
Default Save Time setting explanation of, 21
for future recordings, 36 for saved recordings, 37
blocked recordings, 34 Browse By options, 11 channel banner, 17 Parental Control, 30 PIP screen, 17 Program Guide, 10 Recorded programs list, 26 Scheduled recordings list, 27
Erasing recordings, 37
live programs and recordings, 14 quarter screen, 19 recordings, 14
Finding programs,
See Program Guide
Installation, instructions for, 38
Instant replay, 13
of recorded programs, 26 of scheduled recordings, 27
Live TV buffering, 6 catching up with, 15
Lock symbols closed lock, 30 open lock, 30
Loss of power
and Parental Control, 30 and recordings, 38
Main TV screen
and PIP screen, 18 and quarter screen, 10 swapping with PIP screen, 17
Open lock symbol, 30
ON DEMAND, recording of, 40
Overtime in sporting events, recording of, 39
Parental Control blocking programs, 31 blocking recordings, 31 enabling and disabling PIN, 30 how to use, 27
playing blocked recordings, 33 turning on and off, 30 watching blocked recordings, 34
live programs, 13 quarter screen, 19 recordings, 13
TV requirements for, 39
swapping with main TV screen, 18
PIN, See Parental Control
and recording simultaneously, 25 blocked recordings, 33
live TV, 15
recorded programs, 26
Power indicator, 8
Power loss
and Parental Control, 30 and recordings, 38
Program Guide Browse By options, 11 displaying, 10
searching for programs in, 11 selecting a program from, 10
blocking with Parental Control, 30
pausing, 13 recording, 22
removing blocking from, 30 rewinding, 14