phone line analog 8 connecting the 8 digital PBX 8
not convenient to leave plugged in 8 what if cable box uses, too 8
why Recorder must be connected to 41 phone line connector 52
Pioneer DVD Recorder with TiVo back panel reference 51 front panel reference 48
stacking things on top 5 remote control
incompatibility with some makes and models 36 not working with TV 43
performing a code search 34 programmable buttons, resetting 38
responding to Pioneer A/V Receiver remotes 37, 43 setting the Remote Address 37
using with both TV and A/V equipment 32 RF Bypass Out connector 21, 54
RF In connector 54 RF splitter 20
satellite box setting up 22
satellite receiver, with serial control 45
serial control cable 45 setup example
both a cable box and a satellite box 22
cable or satellite box, A/V receiver, and game console 26 finding yours 5
watching one channel while recording another 20 splitting the signal 20
stacking objects on Recorder 5 status display, front panel 49
TiVo service
functionality on signal from RF Bypass Out jack 21 TV INPUT button, programming 33
TV PWR button, programming 33
USB connector 52
VCR, connecting a 29
video camera, connecting a 29 VOLUME button, programming 33
weight, supporting of on Recorder 5