Edit Recordings - Hard Disk (continued)
Showing the hidden scene |
| Deleting all chapter markers |
A During hard disk recording playback, press EDIT on the remote control.
The hidden chapter will be played back while in video editing mode
Hidden scenes
NONo ChapterCHAPTER | CHAPTERChapter | DIVIDEDivide | ShowHIDE |
B Press the Blue button on the remote control for { Show }.
It marks the beginning of scene to show.
C Press M on the remote control to search for the end of the scene to show.
D Press the Green button for { Stop Show }.
Otherwise, cancel the operation by pressing the Blue button on the remote control for { Cancel }.
Helpful Hints:
–All the hidden chapters will be played back while in video editing mode.
–The selection of scenes to hide or show can only be done within a title.
During recording, the chapter marker is set automatically at a specific interval if the function is active. You can choose to delete all the chapter markers when the recording has finished.
A During hard disk recording playback, press EDIT on the remote control.
No Chapter | Chapter | Divide | Hide |
B Press the Red button on the remote control for { No Chapter }.
All the chapter markers in the current title will be deleted.