_h e first time you turn on the new TV set, you will see a screen that helps you to auto install the programs. Follow e instructions on this screen to start auto installation. Digital and Analog auto installation will be performed
at the same time. Auto installation may take 2.0 to 40 minutes depending on the number of channels available. You will see the progress of the auto installation represented by the 2 bars below the words Analog Channels and Digital Channels respectively. An active
Note : This screen will only appear the first time you turn on the TV. If you wish to auto install programs later, please follow the procedure in the next page (page 9}.
Please connect Antenna or Cable to TV
Select TV signal by A or T and press OK
_ Cablentenna
Installation may take about 30 mmtues.
o Analo_channels39
<>Digir.al Channels | 45 |
ANTENNA : If you have and off-air or roof-top
antenna, select Antenna.
CABLE : If you have subscribed to cable signal from
any cable company, or you are receiving
When you install in either Digital or Analog mode, both Digital and Analog channels will be installed.