Contents |
| |
1 | IntroduCtIon | 3 |
| Intended use of thIs devICe | 3 |
| InCluded features | 3 |
| optIonal aCCessorIes | 4 |
2 | safety InformatIon | 5 |
| safety preCautIons | 5 |
| symbols | 9 |
3 | handlIng | 10 |
| gf health produCts, InC. freIght polICy | 10 |
| unpaCkIng | 10 |
| storage | 11 |
4 | ultrasound poCket doppler and aCCessorIes | 12 |
| appearanCe and features | 12 |
| poCket doppler Waterproof probes | 17 |
| battery | 17 |
5 | setup | 18 |
| InstallIng or replaCIng the battery | 18 |
6 | operatIon | 20 |
| probe operatIon | 20 |
| turnIng on the poCket doppler | 21 |
| fetal heart (fh) monItorIng | 22 |
| vasCular monItorIng WIth 4.0 or 8.0 mhz probe |
| (optIonal) | 23 |
| turnIng off the poCket doppler | 24 |
| replaCIng the battery | 24 |
7 | maIntenanCe and CleanIng | 25 |
| maIntenanCe | 25 |
| CleanIng | 26 |
| dIsInfeCtIon | 28 |
8 | speCIfICatIons | 29 |
9 | lImIted Warranty | 32 |
10 appendIx a, eC deClaratIon of ConformIty | 35 | |
11 appendIx b, emC InformatIon | 36 | |
| guIdanCe and manufaCturer’s deClaratIon | 36 |
12 appendIx C, overall sensItIvIty | 40 | |
13 Index | 42 |
GF Health Products, Inc. is not responsible for typographical errors. All illustrations, specifications, packaging and warranties contained in this literature are based on the latest product information available at the time of printing. The most current product information, including the most current version of these instructions, can be found online at
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