XDouble Deluxe™ BreastpumpX
Electric Operation
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Double Deluxe™ BreastpumpXX
If milk accidentally gets into the tubing/motor, immediately follow these steps:
Insert the metal plug on the end of the transformer cord into the hole on the side of the motor unit.
(Use only Medela trans- former #9200013).
Center the shield(s) over your nipple(s). Start the pump using the “ON/OFF” switch on the back of the motor.
NOTE: Be sure to push switch all the way to the top to assure adequate suction.
Begin pumping with the vacuum regulator set on “MIN” and gradually increase to your comfort level.
■Remove motor from the breastshield.
■Wipe milk off the motor with a paper towel or tissue.
■Run motor for at least 30 seconds to clear out any milk that remains inside.
■Repeat step 2. Take special care to clean the vent holes in the front and side of the motor.
■Clean the breastshield where it attaches to the motor.
■Put the motor back on the breastshield and resume pumping. When pumping is completed, repeat these steps.
If There Is No Vacuum Power
If you do not feel any vacuum at the breast or if the pumping action is too weak:
■ Check that the breastshield forms a complete seal around the breast. |
■ Check to see that the white membrane is securely seated into the valve head on the |
underside of the breastshield frame. Ensure that membrane is clean and that the flap |
is moveable and not dried onto the valve head. |
Pumping Tips
It is important that you be as comfort- able and relaxed as possible when pumping. Learning relaxation tech- niques may be helpful. Many mothers find that focusing on a photograph of their baby is useful.
When double pumping, it may take about
The following steps of caution should be followed to prevent milk overflowing into the motor:
■Care should be taken not to over fill the container(s).
■Do not tilt or lay the container down when milk is in it
and the tubing is attached.
■Remove the tubing from the breastshield before laying the breastshield down.
■ For single pumping, check to see that the single adapter plug is firmly secured into the |
■ For double pumping, Be sure that the tubing ends are firmly seated into their |
appropriate |
■ Check that the gaskets are clean and dry. |
■ Check with fresh batteries or electrical if not powering unit with batteries. |
■ Check that the connector tube is firmly plugged into the breastshield. |
CSF™ Bags
#87010, #87013 (US & Canada), #47013, 47010 (Latin America)
Collect, store and freeze breastmilk in these sterilized bags. Pump directly into bags assuring maximum hygiene for baby. (Breastshield sold separately)
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