Replacement Parts Order Form
Complete the form below. Your model number with color code and manufacturer date code MUST be included on the form to ensure proper replacement parts. Your model number with color code and the date code can be found on a sticker on the stroller frame. Payment in U.S. dollars must accompany your order. Choose parts needed from the list below. You can cross reference your parts with the illustration on pages 2 and 3.
Return the form with payment to:
Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. Consumer Relations Department P.O. Box 2609
Columbus, IN
Fax orders to:
Please make money orders payable to Dorel Juvenile Group, Inc. Fill in the area below to charge to Visa or Mastercard. We do not except personal checks or Discover Card. All outside of U.S. and Canada MUST use credit card.
NOTE: If requested color is not available, simular color will be substituted.
We MUST have this
information to
process your order:
Model Number
(5 digits & 3 let-
Manufacture Date (4 digit number)
Replacement Parts List
Part Quantity | . .Cost . . | Quantity Ordered | . . . . . . | .Total Cost | |
2 Single Wheels with Caps | . .$5.99 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
2 Dual Wheels | . .$4.50 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Hardware Bag |
(Axle, Cotter Pins) | . .$5.00 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
(Cotter Pins, Washers) | . .$2.00 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Front Child Tray | . .$5.99 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Rear Child Tray | . .$5.99 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Parent Tray | . .$5.99 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Front Seat Pad | .$16.99 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Rear Seat Pad | .$16.99 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Front Canopy | .$10.99 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Rear Canopy | .$11.99 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Front Car Seat Mounting Bar . . . . | . .$5.00 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Rear Car Seat Mounting Bar . . . . | . .$5.00 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
Instructions | . .$0.00 . . | . . . . . X | ________ | . . .= $__________ | |
No shipping and handling on instructions for quantities under 6. |
| Total $ |
| ||
Add $.50 for each instruction over 6, then add applicable shipping and handling. |
Fill Out For Credit Card Use
Visa Mastercard Card Exp. Date:
(circle one)
Cardholder’s Name:
Card Number:
Ship To:
Telephone: ( | ) |
| Email Address: |
Sales Tax $
(Indiana, Georgia, California, Arkansas, and Massachusetts residents add applicable sales tax)
Add Shipping and Handling
(Up to $25.00 . . . . . . . .$5.95 $25.01 to $50.00 . . . . . .$6.95 $50.01 to $75.00 . . . . . .$8.95 $75.01 to $100.00 . . . . .$9.95 $100.01 to $150.00 . . .$10.95 $150.01 to $200.00 . . .$11.95 $200.01 and up . . . . .$13.95)
Outside Continental USA $ 10.00
Grand Total $