Wiring your Dumbo Pylon with a conventional power supply
Wiring your accessory is the first step in preparing for flight. The Dumbo Pylon will operate best at
Lionel Lockon (available separately,
Changing the voltage allows you to control the speed at which the figure circles the pylon. Figure 1 on page 4 illustrates the following procedure.
To make proper connections, you need the insulation at the ends of the wires to be stripped back 1/4” to 3/8”. To strip the wires, use a pair of wire strippers.
Caution! Only an adult should perform this task! Always use care when stripping wires.
1.Attach one wire to the #1 terminal of the track Lockon, a FasTrack Accessory Power Wire, OR the Power/A terminal on the accessory power supply. Connect it to one of the terminals on the separate switch (included with this accessory).
2.Attach an additional wire to the other terminal on the switch. Connect the other end of this wire to one of the
Note! To make the
3.Attach another wire to the #2 terminal of the track Lockon, a FasTrack Accessory Power Wire, OR the Common/Ground/U terminal on the accessory power supply. Connect it directly to one of the
At this point, your accessory is wired for power. The next section explains how to operate this accessory in a conventional