Learning Resources LER0100 manual Suggested Activities, Ordered Pairs, Equations

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LER 0100




Activity Guide




The Math Balance is a great tool for visualizing simple mathematical equations and

number relationships. When a weight is placed on a number peg (i.e. 6) on the balance, the

weight appears to take on the numerical value of that peg and causes the balance to tilt.

In order to level the balance, a weight must be placed on the opposite side of the balance

arm, either on the equivalent peg (6) or two or more different pegs that equal the same

number (i.e. 5+1).




Suggested Activities:








Find all the ordered pairs for a number by combining two weights to balance the

opposite weight. For example, place a weight on the 10. To balance, place a weight on the

9 and on the 1 (9,1) and then on the 8 and on the 2 (8,2). Continue until all ordered pairs

have been found. Find all the ordered pairs for several different numbers.





Create addition,



de petits éléments susceptibles d’être ingérés.


CHOKING HAZARD - Small parts.

VORSICHT: Erstickungsgefahr – Kleine Teile. Ungeeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren

ADVERTENCIA: Peligro de asfixia – Piezas pequeñas. No se recomienda para niños menores de 3 años.

multiplication and

Not for children under 3 years.

ATTENZIONE: Rischio di soffocamento – Contiene pezzi piccoli. Non adatto ai bambini di età inferiore ai 3 anni.



division equations using



ATENÇÃO: Perigo de sufocamento – Peças pequenas. Não recomendável para crianças menores de 3 anos.



WAARSCHUWING: Niet geschikt voor kinderen onder de 3 jaar

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Contents Ordered Pairs Suggested ActivitiesEquations Examples FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, and MorePares Ordenados Actividades sugeridasEcuaciones EjemplosActivités suggérées FRACCIONES, Decimales y MÁSPaires Ordonnees Équations FRACTIONS, DECIMALES, et DavantageExemples Geordnete Paare ÜbungsvorschlägeGleichungen Beispiele Brüche Dezimalzahlen und mehrCoppie Ordinate Attività suggeriteEquazioni EsempiSuggesties FRAZIONI, DECIMALI, ed AltroGeordende Paren Vraagstukken VoorbeeldenExemplos EquaçõesFRACÇÕES, Decimais e Mais